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"Your right," I said quietly.
They both looked at me.
"Draco I think that Professor Snape and I have something to discuss," I said as I gently kissed Draco on the cheek.
He nodded and walked away.
I followed Snape into his office.
"Narcissa gave me the letter this summer around my 15th birthday she said that I was mature enough to know what was in that note what my mother wrote to me before she died I have acted anything but mature about it so for that I'm greatly sorry to you and I'll owl Narcissa tomorrow and apologize," I said slowly.
"I understand Miss. Mayer" he said.
"Please don't call me that I want nothing to do with that murderer," I said shaking my head.
"What would you like to be called," he asked.
"Around others, you think of something I know you call us by our last names but that last name isn't mine... But when we are talking getting to know each other Maddison is just fine" I said with a smile.
"Okay Maddison," he said. "Do you want to know anything about me?" He asked.
"Not tonight I think I have some homework to work on and a few exams to study for but thank you," I said as I got up and smiled.
"I knew" he muttered.
"Come again?" I asked.
"When your mother died she sent me a note and told me you were my daughter but she told me specifically not to say anything to you until Narcissa gave you that note," he said.
"You've known since I was 12?" I asked.
"Yes," he said.
"That's why you started watching me acting as my father figure," I said.
He nodded.
"Thank you," I said with a smile as I opened the door.
"I still expect that paper on my desk tomorrow just because your my daughter doesn't mean you get freebies," he said.
"I expected nothing less," I said still smiling as I left.
It's been a few months since I found the truth out and honestly it's not that bad. I spent Thanksgiving with the Malfoy's and I promised Mrs. Malfoy and Draco that I would spend the holidays with Snape. Draco said he will miss me but he wants me to spend time with my father since he missed 15 years of my life I said I would spend it with him only because he deserved it.
It's now a few days until Christmas break and we are sitting in Potions taking our exams and Umbridge walks in.
"Hello, Professor Snape," she said.
"Hi," he said hoping she would go away.
"So you first Applied for the position of D.A.D.A teacher is that correct?" She asked taking out her notebook.
I looked up from my test and he was right behind me and he took his hand and turned my head back to my test.
"Yes," he said.
"But you were unsuccessful?" She asked.
"Obviously," he said.
And Weasley started laughing and Umbridge left and Snape hit him with a book.
I started laughing as I looked over and Weasley which earned me a dirty look from Weasley and my head once again being turned back to my test.
"Bye Draco," I said as I hugged him.
"Goodbye Maddie I'll see you in 2 weeks," he said as he pulled me into a kiss.
It was a passionate kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss as I ran my fingers through his hair. We haven't been able to kiss much like we use to be Umbridge made a rule that couples can't be within a few feet of each other so naturally, Draco and I can't kiss not like this unless in the common room. I'm not saying we are perfect little angels I'm mean he's Draco Malfoy and I'm Maddison Mayer so we break rules all the time so we do kiss in the hallways we just try not to get caught.
As we kissed we heard someone clear their throats so we pulled away and I saw Snape standing there. I'm not used to him being my father so I don't call him father not yet at least.
"If you to are done Snogging I believe Mr. Malfoy is going home on the train that is about to leave," Snape said.
Draco nodded and kissed my Cheek and ran for the Hogwarts express.
I enjoyed the night so far talking with Snape and what not and I noticed it was getting late but I didn't care we were getting to know each other and he was helping me with my Potions and D.A.D.A homework when he got called to Dumbledore I stayed where I was while he went to Dumbledore.
I sat in the room Snape's office to be exact in complete silence until I heard a door slam and two sets of footsteps coming down the steps.
"There appears to be a connection between the dark lord's mind and your own. Now whether he knows it's unclear we pray he doesn't know" Snape said as he grabbed his wand.
"So wait if he knows about then he'll be able to read my mind?" Potter asked.
"Read it. Control it. Unhinge it. In the past, it was often the dark lords goes to invade the minds of his victims creating visions that are designed to torture them into madness. Only when they were begging for him to stop would he finally kill them. Used properly the power of our lessons will shield you from access and influence in these lessons I will attempt to penetrate your mind and you will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself" Snape said.
I was satisfied by the look on Potters face.
"Legilimens" Snape yelled pointing his wand at Potter obviously getting into his mind but only Potter and Snape saw what was going on in Potters mind but I surely was remembering that spell it can come in handy.
"Concentrate Potter focus" Snape yelled.
Potter still squirmed and Snape still was in his mind and when he let the spell rest Potter looked over and seen me.
"Maddison?" Potter asked.
Snape spun around and seen me.
"Why why is she here?" Potter asked.
I swallowed hard and looked up at the man who is my father.
"I was in here before you came," I said.
"Why homework help this late at night?" He asked.
"Um sorta," I said.
"Sorta why couldn't it wait shouldn't everyone be in bed," potter asked.
"He's my, my father," I said looking away.
"Snape is your father since when?" Potter asked.
"Look you and I aren't friends Potter so I don't have to explain anything to you now if you will excuse me I'll be heading off to bed now goodnight night Father," I said with a smirk.
"Goodnight," he said as I walked out.
It was about to be a long night for Potter.
It was finally Christmas and I was nervous Beyond nervous actually because this was the first time I was spending Christmas with anyone but the Malfoy's since my mother died.
I just sat in my father's office. Calling him father felt better ever since I called him to father the other day. It broke the ice between us.
"So you and Malfoy," Snape asked.
"Yeah me and Malfoy" I chuckled.
"How long you been together?" He asked.
"2 and a half years," I said with a proud smile.
He nodded.
He continued to ask me questions about my home life you know the one I had before all this Hogwarts business.

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