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Draco, Mr. Malfoy, and I walked the stands of the Quidditch World Cup.
We looked up and seen the Weasley's.
Draco and I stood behind Mr. Malfoy.
"Well put it with way if it rains you will be the first to know," Mr. Malfoy said as he walked up to the rail and Draco and I joined him and started laughing.
"Father, Maddie, and are in the Ministry box a personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself " Draco Bragged as we followed Mr. Malfoy around the corner.
"Don't Push Draco there's no need with these people," Mr. Malfoy said hitting Draco in the stomach with his cane.
I looked up and seen Granger walk away.
Suddenly Mr. Malfoy slammed his cane on Potters foot and I jumped back landing in Draco's arms.
"Do enjoy yourself won't you while you can," Mr. Malfoy said as he removed his cane from Potters foot.
"'Twas a good match," I said as Draco and I waited for his father to finish what he was doing.
"Yeah, it was how do you feel?" Draco asked taking both of my hands.
"Better," I said with a smile.
"Good," he said as he gently pulled me close and kissed me ever so gently.
Suddenly there was a burst of light coming from the tent area and it sounded like a bomb. Draco and I pulled apart and looked at the tent area and everything was on fire and people were screaming.
"Draco," I said looking up at him with fear in my eyes.
He just pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back as we watched everything unfold.
Once the fires died down we saw the Death eater symbol show up in the sky as Mr. Malfoy showed up.
"Let's go home kids," he said as he suddenly appeared at the Malfoy Manor.
"This yearly speech is getting old," I said.
"Yeah we got three more bloody years of it," Potter said from his table.
"Didn't ask you, Potter," I said.
"This Castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very important guests as well. You see Hogwarts has been chosen..." Dumbledore started as the creepy old guy came running in.
The whispered back and forth and then the old guy went running out.
"So Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event the Triwizard tournament. Now for those of you who do not know the Triwizard tournament gathers three schools for a series of magical contest. From each school a single student is chosen to compete now let me be clear if chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint heart but more of that later but now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic" Dumbledore said as the girls ran in all the boys where practically drooling over them. I looked over at Draco and punched him.
"Ow bloody hell," he said rubbing his arm and looking at me.
I looked at him and shook my head and he smiled and gently kissed my cheek.
Everyone clapped at the girl's entrance.
"And now our friends from the north the proud sons of Durmstrang Institute," Dumbledore said as those boys walked in.
"Whoa what an entrance," I said as I watched them enter the great hall.
"Maddison!" Draco said gently pushing me.
"Sorry," I said shaking it off.

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