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Weasley was out for a week in the hospital wing he was finally back today sitting in his normal seat next to Granger.
In the past week Draco and I have come so close to fixing the cabinet but another thing I've noticed is Draco almost looks ill he isn't sleeping well at night.
"You don't remember anything?" Granger asked Weasley.
"Well no" he said looking over at her.
"You talked but I don't believe I was a long conversation" granger said.
What they were talking about was Weasley's and Lavenders break up.
"Don't get me wrong I bloody thrilled it's over but is it just me or does she seem rather very angry?" Weasley asked.
"Yes I guess she does... Doesn't she?" Granger asked as they looked at her.
We are at breakfast I'm sitting in my normal seat at the Slytherin table and we can always hear the golden trios conversations. I was waiting for Draco to join me.
"So you really don't remember anything from that night at all?" Granger asked.
"There is something....... No it's crazy" Weasley laughed.
"Right" granger said.
It was quite for a while over in there little pod and then Katie Bell walked by the one who was cursed before Christmas break.
"Harry it's Katie" Granger said.
Potter seemed confused from what I gathered as I continued to watch them over my shoulder and listened to there conversation.
"Katie Bell" granger said.
Potter then got up and quickly picked up his book and walked over to her which was close to wear I was so I turned my head so it wasn't obvious I was listening.
"Katie how are you?" Potter asked as if he has known her for many many years as if they were friends.
"I know your going to ask Harry but I don't know who cursed me" she said.
"I really don't remember honestly" she said and then she stopped talking and stared at the great hall entrance. I followed her stare as did Potter and there stood Draco my Draco my fiancé.
"No" I whispered.
Draco stopped when he noticed Potter talking to Bell.
Then he turned around and walked out rather quickly. I jumped up but I wasn't as fast as Potters instincts because he started after Draco a half a second before I did.
Potter went after Draco and I went after both of them.
I followed potter into the bathroom and heard Draco crying. My heart sank and I had to get in there and comfort him I just had to.
"I know what you did Malfoy!" Potter said as he stood there.
Draco looked up and seen Pitter in the mirror and I stayed semi hidden.
"You hexed her didn't you?" Potter asked as Draco turned around.
I seen fear and hurt in Draco's eyes.
He shot a spell at Potter but Potter dodged it. Potter shot a spell at Draco and Draco jumped out of the way. I moved from my hiding spot. While Draco shot another spell at Potter.
It just missed Potter nearly hitting me, then things went silent and I thought it was over I quietly walked through the bathroom and I heard Draco shoot another spell at Potter.
They ran and went Potter seen Draco potter yelled a spell.
"Sectumsempra" Potter yelled and it hit Draco befor I could throw my self in front of him. Draco landed on the ground.
"Draco!" I screamed as I ran over to him.
He laid helpless in the water that was flooding the bathroom. Draco was crying lightly and I whipped his tears away.
Potter walked up to us.
Draco was dying gasping for air now and I couldn't save him.
"You!" I screamed.
"Maddison" he whispered.
"You! How could you! Why would you! Get out before something back happens to you!" I screamed.
Potter stood there looking at Draco.
Draco's blood was mixing in with the water now. I brushed my hand through his hair.
"Everything will be okay I promise" I said trying to comfort him.
"Why are you still here!" I screamed as my dad rushed in.
Potter looked up at him in fear.
"Daddy save him! Please save him" I said as tears started falling from my eyes.
My father stood next to me and looked at potter giving him a death glare and potter ran out.
My father gently moved me aside and bent down and started muttering a spell and I watched Draco's blood return to his body and his wounds disappear.
My father then picked up Draco and we walked to the hospital wing.
Draco laid in the bed and I sat in the chair next to him I held his hand with my left hand and rubbed his forehead and messed with his hair. He was asleep and it was nearly night fall and I was tired but I stayed put with my fiancé.
"Miss. Snape I think it's time you leave dear" madam Pofmary said.
"I can't" I managed to say.
"You have to" she said.
"I don't want to leave him here not like this he needs me" I whispered as I looked at him.
"Miss. Snape I will not ask you again" she said.
"I'm not leaving" I said.
"Yes you are" she said.
I didn't want to fight anymore so I got up and slowly walked out.
On my walk to the Slytherin house I messed with my engagement ring.
I walked into the Slytherin common room and walked to Draco's room and sat on his bed and hugged his pillow. I started crying I wasn't sure why it just happened. I wasn't fast enough to save him I wasn't fast enough to take the blow for my self. I eventually curled up on his bed hugging his pillow and I fell asleep.

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