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Something woke me up after the abnormal sleep. Abnormal because I never sleep at late evening and this guy sleeping next to me is obviously can sleep any hour of a day. For me, I can't just lay in bed at this time. Well, if it's Parth's comforting arm where I would be sleeping then, I might sleep there. Forever.

But I had an emergency call to attend and apparently his bathroom was out of network area. I don't understand the point of locking your bathroom. Or it was jammed. 

I had turned the knob, pushed the door and finally giving up on it, I walked downstairs before I might wet my pant's.

Well, yeah! I wore clothes before heading downstairs. 

Even if everyone think's I am stupid. I do know manners and it's a bad manners to roam into your crush's house without wearing clothe's.

Oh well!! Remember the reason why I was naked..?

Oh yeah!!

That evil, handsome hunk had removed my clothes and did it to me. 

OMG!! It actually happened and it still feels like it was one of my naughtiest dreams. 

I had never thought how amazing someone's lips would feel on my ummm...dick. Yes, the part of your body which belongs to be hidden inside the unnecessary cloth we wear underneath our pant's.  

When he did what he did, the feeling was like floating in the high cloud. A cloud of It's not the sex which made me feel like that. No. It was Parth who made me feel on the top of the world, on the highest cloud. The cloud that would set me free and there would be no walls to block me.

Just like the one that I had just bumped into. It was rough and rigid wearing a white shirt.

A wall wearing a while shirt would be so weird, but it wasn't actually a wall. 

It was a person with a built chest who was towering in front of me.

I looked up at the person innocently who was looking down at me with his lips curled up to the left. I instantly moved as soon as I found out who this wall was and took extra two step's back from him. 

"Where are you headed kiddo.?"

"Umm.." I rubbed my back of my head in embarrassment. "I was searching washroom Sir."

"Right over there." He smiled and walked into the living area. Whereas I walked into the directed location. In my thought I totally forgot the urge of piss I was holding in my bladder.

When I revealed myself, I headed back to the living room as the stairs goes through the living room and that's where Parth's Dad was seated on the couch watching NEWS.

I was very rude to him before and that's why I stopped to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn't have screamed at him. All he was trying to make me feel better. He is fighting for me and I should've been thankful to him instead of disrespecting him. Mom, would've been so unhappy if she had seen me acting rude to her friends. Mr. Joshi had said that he was a good friend to my parents, which means I should pay him some respect. 

For my parent's their friends were like their families. Uncle Rajput was the closest friends of among all. Not just friend, he was the only friend I have seen they have considered as a family. I have always considered Uncle Rajput as my Father Figure who had equally loved me like his son's. 

Ohm is like a little brother to me, the one I never got a chance to grow up with. And Sai..well he was something more to me. 

Something that I have learned from my parent's is that; Family isn't something we born with, it's what we chose among our friends.

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