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WARNING: This chapter contains graphical content. If anyone gets easily offended by sexual behavior, DO NOT read the part which has been warned. ENJOY.

PARTH's POV: Continued....

After we left the mall, I decided to take him to somewhere for dinner as we both were hungry. Currently he is grabbing me tightly from behind because of the cold not to forget to mention about the jacket I have gaven him to wear before leaving which left me with my thin shirt. Yep, his protection comes first. The way he held me gives me warmth in this cold though, but the touch makes me never stop the ride and feel his hands on my chest like forever. They say your body craves touch as it craves water. That's what I feel right now, which is the reason I am driving slowly to make this last. 

 "Parth. We are heading in the wrong direction." Ryan doesn't know about my plans. Not like if I had told him he would have rejected, but I wanted to surprise him. 

"We are here." I announce as soon as we reached at his favorite burger shop. KFC.


"No if, no but. I know you are hungry, so am I. Now just follow me Sweetums." I said, pinching his sweet nose. He followed me as I demanded. We took our order and I paid for it. Even though the shop was empty I decided to sit at the extreme corner table.

"I don't want you to pay for me."Ryan said, sitting in front of me with a light pout on his lips. 

"I only pay for my special friends." I may be flirting right now, which is surprising for myself too. But hey, if you have a guy like him who is super cute and amazing, why would you stop being sweet to him..? 

"Umm. Thanks." Ryan said like he doesn't want to be my special friend or something is bothering him, again.

"What's wrong Ryan. Why are you so silent..?"

"I am fine." He lied and rubbed his nose, which I recently learned about him. Whenever he lies he rub his nose, like his brain tells him to do so. Just like when he gets nervous he chew his nails of his all fingers at a time. 

"Don't lie.  Are you still worried about Ziyan..? I told you he'll be back soon."

"I..We met him today. His grandma died." Ryan told me everything what happened. Ryan said she was close to him and he knows how it feels to lose the closest one. I wonder whom Ryan had lost.? I wanted to ask, but he will tell me eventually, if he trusts me with it. He may be my special friend, but for him I am just an ordinary guy.

"Ziyan will be fine. He will get over it." I assured. I know that's not what's bothering him, there is something else. As I noticed quite a change in his mood as he was enjoying his burger, I don't want to ask anything which might take away his smile.


"Yummm.. It's soo tasty." I love the way he said it and the way he makes noise while eating. This is the Ryan I missed. Loud and happy. "Ummmn Parth.." He moaned to his burger. Trust me people around us had noticed it too. 


"Can I get one more..?" Hehe.

"Sure, as much as you want." I said and he jumped from his seat and ran to the counter almost pulling the girl away from his way. I am glad he didn't forget the card I gave him to pay the bill. He soon returned with a tray full of food.

"This one is yours, this one mine and we share chicken lollipops." He said. I was happy to see him like this again. "And I pay you back as soon I get my salary." God, why he always, want to pay back. I don't want him to. But if I say no, he will argue.

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