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Ziyan (Zi) in the above pic..!

I woke up from my nap and guess what..? My room is still empty. They must be on their romantic dates, or must be at Sai's place or whatever, like I care. They are always together just like the those gay couples of southeast Asian movies. So sweet together being so unreal, or like some romantic couple of some novel, which is great to read, but in real life it's seems so fake. No, they are not fake. My hero never faked anything, if he loves someone he truly does and Aarav is kind of ok, I mean he is perfect for Sai, I guess because Sai does whatever he asks him or it's an unconditional love or whatever. 

Argh, why I even give a shit about them.

I need to get ready for my evening practice. Unlike the morning practice which is in the school gym area, the evening practice court is quite far. So, I go there by running. It's not a big deal to run 2 km as it warms up's my body and give's strength to my legs and thighs.

I joined the tennis club because I feel great playing tennis. It's my dream to become a great tennis player and win for my country and become a pride of it. Like Mahesh Bhupati, Leander Paes and my favorite Somdev Devvarman. I want to become like them. I want to become next tennis star player just like them. As now I watch them winning for the country, someday I want them to watch me and be proud of my win. In my old school, I was not able to give much effort to tennis because of my uncle, that's why I ran here in this city as soon as I got the scholarship. Sai's dad is the owner of this school and as he was a close friend of my parents I got this scholarship and also he helped me to get out of that hell where I have lived since I was 8 years. My uncle is still fighting for me in the court, I don't tell anyone about it, but I am scared that he might win and take me away. That I never want to happen because all he want's is my money. I am rich, not me my parents are. Money doesn't matter to me as I moved here for achieving something and nothing can come between my dreams. NOTHING.

After two hours of practice, I ran back to my dorm and Aarav was not there yet. That's sick. That means they are still hanging together. Hell with them.. I have plans too.

Zi babes.. Here I come... 

I can imagine Zi rolling his eyes, repeating the same sentence  whenever I call's him babes. "I am not gay Ru." He sure isn't gay, but that won't make me stop calling him babe. I love his reaction whenever I act gay on him. He doesn't really against the gay also he doesn't disgust me for not being gay (What..? I am not gay I told you.) Zi is the person I think I can call a friend. He is sweet, he is kind. He understands, he is someone who can skip a meeting with Obama for you. Well, that's too much, but yeah, I guess he will. Wait, I need to ask him tonight, if he say's he won't skip a meeting with Obama for me then he is dead. 

Ok Ryan for that you need to get ready.

After taking a shower. I asked Nick to drop me to Ziyan's place. So, here I am well dressed, so that I won't disgust his mother. After taking a deep breath, I decided to knock, but as the door was open. The conflict started in my mind whether to get inside or knock. As I had never taught the manners in my old school, I went inside without knocking.

That was my wrong decision.

"Mom, will you at least try to be nice to him, please..?" By him, he means me. Yes, Zi mom hates me. Who doesn't.?

"Ziyan, he is not good influence to you." Yeah, I make your kid do drugs lady, even I take him to have sex with bitches. Oop's I said a bad word. Where's my manners right..? Well, I won't tell her that on her face. Don't worry.

"Mom, he is a very good guy.. Just try to be nice and understand him.."

"I don't understand why you have to be friend with such a crap." Wow I got another name. Crap.. Shit was better name though or it's all same.  But I love the name my mom gave me. Ryan isn't a bad name. Is it..? 

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