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"Yep, I am ready." I told my own reflection in the mirror, when I got ready. I wore nice skin tight black jeans, a blue thin T-shirt which I bought yesterday from the mall. 

After pleading like two hours to Sparsh for two days off from work, I went to the cloth store from where I bought two nice shirts.

For the first time in my life I wanted to look good and that's why I even tried a new hair cut, which I guess looks cool on me. 

At least I think it's cool as no one has seen me in my new hair cut.. 


Anyways, I wanted to look good as Parth is taking me somewhere. Where, he denied to tell, but even though he denied to tell me doesn't mean my excitement gonna be any less. Just being with him excites me and makes me happy. And now that he is taking me somewhere for a weekend excites me hell a lot. I am litterally jumping on my feet everywhere in my room cause of excitement.

Yay... I am so happy.

Happy like my heart going wild and it's beating too loud just thinking about Parth.

What's this feeling..?

I don't know..

But whatever it is.. I just feel awesome and enthusiastic, I can't handle this excitement alone. He will be here anytime soon and we will leave to spend our amazing weekend alone. 

Yeah, alone.. 

Do you know, what alone means..? 

Exactly.. Just He and Me. And Me and He. 

No one would be there beside us and some strange people's as I am sure he won't take me to some isolated area away from human beings. 

"What if he does..?" I stopped jumping and scratched my head thinking about my own question and soon burst with a laughter for even letting such stupid question enter into my mind. After this many months with Parth I started trusting him. More than even myself. That's why I agreed in less than a second when he asked me out. 

Duh.. Out as for the weekend not like on some date or something. 

"What if it's a date.?" 

"You there my little tiny brain.. Stop asking me stupid question.. In short.. Fuck Off." And it did fuck off.

Let's just pack my bag. What should I take..? Just few shirts, and a jeans which I am wearing is enough, as I don't want to weigh my backpack, and yeah, two days means two pairs of underwear that's it. I am ready.

And yeah, and my mobile and Aarav's I-Pod, the one he gave me saying he didn't need it anymore.


Ok.. I asked him and he gave me after taking three day's to think over it. As I had fallen in love with those songs and as my phone doesn't support media player, I had asked Aarav or you may say forced him to lend me his I-Pod for a few days.

He obviously denied even after when I gave him a massage to his back muscle. But being persistent, I asked him for a whole week. And then finally he threw it in my face on the day he left to Goa for Sunburn festival with others.

Yep, Parth and I stayed as we both were not interested in getting Sunburn. I mean in Rock loud Sunburn festival. Boy, it costed too much to even think about going with them.

"Hello." Oops... I was desperately waiting for that call that I picked it up even before it can ring.

"Someone's sound excited, huh..?" Damn, I am excited.

"Yeah.. Where are you..?" I asked with a pout.

"Out of your building Sweetums."

"I'll be there in a..." I was so excited that I cut the call not caring to complete my own sentence. I grabbed my backpack swing it on my back, took a last look in the mirror and ran out like a kid.

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