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"I thought we gonna have our alone time?" Parth complained as I rode him back to his house on his bike.

He was so desperate to have our Alone Time but before that could happen, I wanted to meet everyone and to confirm why Aarav was blowing balloons while everyone else in his family was having intense situation. Also Parth mom had ringed Parth infinite times which Parth has intentionally avoided.

"Parth your mom must be worried, we must meet her first." Parth sighed,

"Worried? She must be terrified." He murmured.

I ignored him and pushed the door and surprisingly there was no one in the house. Even it was dead silent and even inside it was dark.

"Where is everyone?" Parth asked and I opened my mouth to answer him something hilarious, but before I could, house lit up and everyone cheered with...


I was surprised so was Parth. We looked at each other and then at everyone else.

Were they planing​ a surprise all day?

Because if they were, they did surprise us.

There were everyone. Sai, Sid, Aarav and Raghav, Rohan and Ohm, Uncle Rajput, Mr. Joshi, Didi and Jiju, Aarav's Parent's whom I had never met personally.

They all were here to welcome me home. I have never felt this warm and happy since very long.

In the corner, I could see my Mom and Dad watching me with their perfect accepting smile. When I saw them, I felt a part of life returned to me, the happiness which was lost long back was found.

But with another blink, my mom and dad, they were gone.

They were gone again.

"Mom.." I cried, looking in the direction where were my mom and dad were standing, but now there was Parth's mom looking at me with her worried face.

She must have been in the kitchen when we entered the house and everyone welcomed us, as she was in her kitchen apron and had rushed to us. Next what she did was run to us, ran to me and pulled me into her motherly hug.

"I was so worried about you, honey. Thank God you are alright." She said.

It took me back into memories, in the past.

Once I was lost in a park when I was a kid. My Mom and Dad took me  there because I had been asking them whole week, but  Mom was afraid of  the crowd. But after stubbornly asking them, they took  me there. It was a very nice and colorful park. And there I saw candy shop and ran toward it. It was a candy shop which had lured me away from my parents. Until I realized I was lost, I had fun with colorful happiness around me, but my joy was with my parents. Who I couldn't find. I was crying, but soon mom came running to me, saying.

"I was so worried about you, honey. Thank God you are alright." Saying exact same words Parth mom said and that burst me into tears.

"Mom, I am sooooo sorry." I cried. I needed her for so long. She wasn't her, but she was as motherly as my mom. She was as caring as my mom that I felt safe in her arms.

I know I was making everyone worried, but I just wanted to cry all the pain out.


I wasn't just welcome home, I was welcomed into a family.

My family.

I was in her arms for a long hour, crying. I looked vulnerable, but actually I felt safe.

"Ryan, you are making me worried." Parth said.

"No..... You are jealous." I said, showing him my tongue.

Of course I was happy now.

"Wait... What?" He was surprised by my sudden attack. "Why would I be jealous?" He asked.

"Because, your mom love's me more than you." I said hugging mom so tight.

"Man, you can have all her love. She practically has new Twin's whom she love's more than me." Both Twin's ran and hugged their big brother as he continues "....and now she adores her new son-in-law." He said it in front of everyone showing the couple rings.

"Whow you are engaged already?" Aarav came on checking the couple's ring and asking that stupid question.

"No, we didn't....Parth we didn't.." I went to Parth to shut his crazy mouth. What was funny, I didn't get though, as everyone started laughing.

Mom cleared her throat to get everyone's attention, no, not everyone but Parth's.

"You mister. You told me you would call me everyday, and how many times did you call me?" Parth opened his mouth to answer....but dare he could in front of mom as she continue​ scolding her son. "None.. I was so terrified Parth. You think you are some kind of warrior? What if they had hurt you? I still get chills thinking about that and you say I don't love you?"


"Shut up. Count day's you were away from home." She said and I already did the counting and answered.


"Thanks, honey." She thanked me and then looked at Parth with cold eyes. "No game box for 12 day's that's your punishment."

"Come on mom, you can't do that to me." Parth said not believing her. Everyone knows how much Parth is addicted to the game box. And after these many days without it, he must be craving to lay his hands all over his game box.

"Actually, I already took your game box and yeah I put it somewhere you can not reach." Parth snorted.

"Hate you." As he walked toward the party which has already begun.

Food made by mom was awesome. No comparison to Parth's mom's food. And surprisingly, she had my favorites on the menu.

Aarav was complaining that this party doesn't seem like a party so he connected his phone to the music system blasting music through it. Elders repelled from his taste of music, and younger one moved their body along with it.

Last time I remember the party like this was Aarav's birthday and like today everyone was enjoying that day, except one guy. But today he wasn't that lonely soul, he had me dancing along.

"What's that smile for?" He asked as we danced to slow romantic song.

"It is for you." I said and he just lost in my words.

"Can I have our alone time too?" He asked eagerly.

"Right now in your room." I whispered in his ear and he soon grabbed my hand and entangled his fingers along with mine and we ran to Parth's room.

As soon as he closed the door behind, the look on Parth's face has changed. He was now looking at me suggestively with his hungry blue eyes. The eyes into which I can swim seven oceans. I was standing close to him and we haven't even moved away from the door. 


We were waiting for this for long and nothing could stop us loving each other. Parth looked down in my eyes, then he eagerly looked at my lips and again looked up at my eyes. 

"May I kiss....." 

"Oh, shut up." I shut him up and kissed his delicious and sexy lips. He was surprised by my sudden move, but soon he melted his lips along with mine. The kiss was passionate and breath taking. 

The kiss was just a spark to take our love making to the next level and soon we found ourself on Parth's bed still kissing and struggling to take off our clothes. 

"Parth, are we suppose to do this, when everyone's down there?" I asked.

"No. But now I don't wanna stop." He answered

"Neither do I." 


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