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I had fallen asleep in Parth's arm who was still sleeping lazily. His one hand was under me which held me close to him and my head was pressed against his neck as his body being pressed against me.

As I had removed my hoodie when I was in the twin's room, the warmth provided by him was so natural that I melted in it.

I have been awake for an hour now, trying my best not to move. I don't want to disturb this guy. After all, he was tired of taking care of his new brothers. But staying in this position for an hour was difficult for me, so I moved mistakenly and Parth woke up. I hated myself for it. He shuffled and opened his eyes. First, I thought he would get freaked out seeing me in his arms, but then he pulled me even closer. 

"Good Mornin' Sweetums." 

"Huh.. Hmm Mornin'." I said even though we both know its afternoon. 

"You know this was the best sleep I ever had." 

"Me too." I agreed. 

Parth moved his hands over my stomach and the sensation of his touch tickled me again. I jumped of laughter which brought me near to his face. We were still in each other's arms, or rather I should say I was in his arms which was comforting me 

"You are so ticklish." He again poked my nose. I can even count the pokes he had given to my nose till now. 

"Hehe. Yeah. Don't remind me that." I told him. Our face was so close that I was able to feel his breathing between us. Feel because I had closed my eyes as this closeness was awkward for me.

"Why did you close your eyes..? Are you uncomfortable..?" I opened my eyes as soon as he said 'uncomfortable'. Hell, no. I feel more comfortable in here. I am just afraid that this closeness might be just temporary. Everyone in my life was temporary. Who ever I loved drifted apart from me like I repelled them away. And now as I am close to Parth, I am afraid that I might repel him too.


"Yes.. I mean, no." I was confused to say anything. He looked me with aching eyes and soon he moved away from me. I regretted not telling him the truth that his arms are safe for me and I feel comfortable there.

"Let's go. Find something to eat. I am sure twins must be hungry too." Parth said getting off of the bed. I followed him. 

As we reached the kitchen. Foodwas already ready on the table.

"I was not hoping for this." Parth said, looking at the food on the table. His mom must have made it. She is really great women. Even after what Parth's Dad did to her, she still cares about her family.

"Ryan, would you please call twins for lunch. I check if my rents have eaten or not."

"Sure." I said and headed upstairs. I entered the room and there they were on the floor in front of tv with game controllers in their hands.

"Viv..Riv.. It's lunch time." I told and soon one of them stood happily.

"Yay.. Food." 

"I am not hungry." Said the grumpy one.

"Hello 'not hungry' nice to meet you." I said, extending my hand to the little guy who saw me with dismissively. Is it dangerous being sarcastic to a 8 year old..? 

"HeHe.. You are funny." The cheerful guy who I suppose is Viv said and ran downstairs after hugging me real quick. 

"So are you...." Before I could ask he stormed out behind his brother not forgetting to step on my foot before leaving. 

Ouch.. Yeah, it's dangerous being sarcastic to 8 years old kid.

SAM's POV: Sorry to interrupt the main cast.. But I was needed..

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