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"Ryan, do you mind reading the further paragraph..?" Yep.. It's me again targeted in the class. Who else other than Miss. Priya. She just hates me. So do I.

"I do." I told her and she glared me through her heavy glasses and I glared her back. Zi was trying hard to shut me up by bumping his shoes on my feet. He was probably trying to tell me that if I say something offending to her, she might send me to the principal's office again.

"Even if you have to read it." 

I mimicked her last sentence in my mind and stood on my foot so that I could get more attention from people who had gathered for my speech for my bravery for the extraordinary effort of saving the life of imaginary hostage. 

Whow! I feel proud.

"Dude! You are holding the book upside down!" Oh damn yeah. Let's hold it correctly and before doing so, let's hit the person who insulted my bravery.

"Owww.." Sam glared at me and I glared back and the whole class started laughing. I hate this guy. It was Zi who convince me to let him sit with us and now I regret it. But it amuses my fellow classmate as whatever we do or however we fight, they never miss a chance to laugh at us. So, I turned to the class giving them a look so that they could stop laughing, but I failed miserably as they laughed even louder.

"Enough.. Are you reading or I should reduce your grade from the assignment which you never submitted..?" Argh. I told her that I'll submit it tomorrow. She doesn't have rights to ruin my reputation. 

Ok.. I don't have a reputation. And that's why I started reading, ignoring everyone and even Zi who was holding his head like he had a headache or something.

I don't get why the English language has such difficult words which are too slippery for my tongue, thanks to my skills that I managed to catch them before slipping.

Reading was boring and it was leading me to death until someone entered into our classroom. I stopped reading as everyone's attention settled on Principal's secretary. Maybe because she was looking way too hot today.

From where did that old man got such a pretty hot woman as a Secretary?

Point to note that Ryan The King, who is definitely not into Girl's find her hot. Not that she is going to turn me...Nope...She is too old for me.

She handed a note to Miss. Priya and soon left, taking the smile of each and every guy in this classroom. As she left, everyone turned their attention to Miss. Priya the reason for everyone's boredom.

Miss. Priya read the note and then looked directly toward me. And the class turned to me and I turned to Zi who slammed his head again with his palm.

What..? I thought it's a game..? Turn your eyes to the person you want to see.. As Miss. Priya and my fellow classmate's love's me they turned to me. Apparently, as Parth is not here and the next person I love #asafriend# is Zi, so I turned to him.

"The Principal asked Ryan in his office.. Now." I heard Miss reading the note. Loud this time.

"Why? I haven't done anything.?" I said with innocence in my voice.

"Ryan.. Just go from my class." She is rude.

"Fine." So am I. I exited the room and walked in the school hall which leads to the Principal's office.

SAM's POV: Just After Ryan Left....

I was right. There is something going on. The moment I saw Mr. Rajput, the school owner, also known as Sai's dad, in the school I knew they were going to call Ryan. That's the reason I was keeping an eye on him and now that he left, I need to follow him. 

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