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Is it ok to care for the person and treat him like he is some angel and his life is more precious to us than anyone else's.? Is it ok if the person you met was just like a stranger few days ago, but now becomes the beat of your heart.? Is it ok to pray for him every single minute for his better health.? Is it ok to behave like a stupid in front of him and act like nothing really happened.? Is it ok to call him by sweet names without knowing yourself.? Is it ok to hear someone else calling him "baby" makes you jealous.? Is it really ok to stare him at 3 in the morning while he is sleeping.? 

No, it's not ok. But it can't be helped. I am already falling for this guy. This feeling is deep, it's strong, stronger than I ever felt before. With him I forget the pain and just smile. Smile like there was nothing wrong and with him everything will be alright. He came like an angel to save my life and to give me another hope, the hope that I can live again, that I can start again, that I can love again. I know this is not supposed to be happening again. Loving one more time when I haven't forgetten my last heart break. The pain which I got from my ex-girlfriend and then by my best friend Aarav, loving again is a big risk for me. It's like knowing the path is full of fables, but you continue walking. No, I can't fall in love again, that too with a guy. I had considered Aarav as the mistake, like I was confused for loving a guy. But now falling for this sweet little guy proves that it wasn't me confused. 

I am.. I am gay.. Or bisexual as I still like girls.

The whole time I kept distance between me and Ryan. No matter how much I want to sleep close to him I can't. I don't want to hurt him and his injuries and my feelings. They are surprisingly healing very fast. This guy acts careless, but he is really very strong. If I was in his place, I would have taken a whole house on my head in pain and people might have got irritated with me, but him, he doesn't even scream in pain and if he does, he convinces other's that "It's nothing."

He is really very cute and take my word I won't call that to anyone. After seeing his cuteness I wonder how could someone be this cute. Damn, I am definitely falling for him, sadly my love is again one sided. It suck's to know that, but does it matter.? If I can't have him I can at least can be with him as his friend and knowing he is gay he might like me too, someday. Well, I can at least dream a wonderful dream with my open eyes. A dream where it's just me and him.. No offense, but I don't want Ziyan to be there too.

I looked at his innocent face which was covered with his black hairs over his forehead. His pointy nose, which shrugs amusingly whenever he is nervous or anxious. And his mouth, it's open, giving entrance for any fly. I won't let that happen though. About his sleep there is something strange, when he sleeps, he looks peaceful, but after a few hours you can see him uneasy. He narrow his eyes and shifts his position and then in the few seconds he just wake's up, just like now. 

As soon as he opened his eyes, I closed mine. Not like I don't care about him, I do. But I don't want him to get freaked out seeing me awake at this time. Also, I know what he needs whenever he wakes up. Yesterday night and every sleep, he slept, I observed it that he need's water whenever he wake's up. So, I always kept a jar and a glass full of fresh water on the bedside table, making sure it can be in his reach. I heard the pouring of water in the glass and the gulp after gulp of his thrust. Then Ryan puts the jar and the glass back on the table and then he positioned himself back in the bed, but not where he was sleeping before, he shifted very close to me finding a comfortable position and then he pulled his arm over me and slept.


I opened my eyes when his breath become soft and constant. His nose was just before my lips and as soon as I saw I kissed it. It was so damn close and so damn cute that I could not resist, also he was sleeping so he won't know. I closed my eyes again and somehow I fell into sleep very quickly. That wasn't my plan, my plan was to stay up the whole night so when he wakes up he won't find himself alone. I took his responsibility and I should be responsible. 

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