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What does falling in love mean..? Is it like, we fall from some place high and before reaching to the ground we get wings and fly to the person we love.?

If that's what it feel's like then, I wanna fall and I wanna fall in Parth's arm. 

I don't know from where I am getting these feelings. The feelings which were lounging deep inside me and suddenly become alert when I had almost lost him. 

But don't they say that you have to be a little lost first to find the one you looking for..? 

Maybe it's true, because, I lost a guy whom I have always considered a friend and found same guy, whom I might have fallen in love with.


I am sure fallen in love with him. Just look at my hand still not leaving the hold on his arm since last hour and now that we are sitting on this bench in this lonesome corner of the park which was surrounded with huge trees, I was still glued to him. 

We had decided to sit here, in this park as we were both exhausted. Actually, I still had some energy left, but I was so afraid of loosing him again.

"You are worrying me Ryan." Parth asked as I was not letting go of his hand and I was holding it a little it tight.

"I won't go anywhere. Don't you trust me.?"

"I trust you a lot Par. It's just I don't wanna lose you." As I said I felt my heart getting heavy. Remembering those sickening minutes without him.

"Why are you so afraid of losing me?"

"Because you mean a lot to me." His eyes downcast and his face pained like someone had hit him with a sharp blade.

"Don't say something that you don't mean."

"No. I mean it Parth. You won't understand how I felt over there when I lost you. I was terrified. I felt like my bad luck has taken you away from me it took others. No.. I am not strong enough to lose anyone now. I have got only Nick, Aarav, Zi, Sai, Ohm, Rohan, and then I got you. I just.. I just can't lose you." I was trying hard not to break in front of him again and was pushing my tears back. Then I felt his arms getting wrapped around me.

"I promise I will never leave you. Even if I die I will haunt..." I stopped him, by my hand over his mouth and the tear I was fighting, fall down. 

"Please, don't say that." Parth leaned forward and wiped my face and kept his warm hand over jaw line and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. 

"You know, even though you always look cute, but I hate it when you cry." I quickly stopped crying when his same hand got entangled with my left one.

Next few minutes we remained silent between our comfortable warmth until I caught something crawling on the ground.

"Parth did you see that..?"

"See what.?"

"That squirrel."

"No. Ryan. No. Don't say that you wanna catch it..?" 

"Yes.. Yes.. Please?" 

"No way." And Parth gripped my hand, keeping me away from my cute little squirrel.

"Parth look, it's Aarav there." And he turned which gave me an opportunity to crawl behind that squirrel.

I crawled behind it and when I was this close to it, I bumped with someone so hard that the bumper fall on me. 

"Ouch.. Dude, I was about to catch my squity." The guy said getting to his feet. 

"Shut up. It was my squity.... I mean squirrel.! I saw it first." I stood as well, dusting my clothes.

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