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"You ready..?" Sparsh asked me after we closed the store. Usually we close late or he close when I usually leave, but today it's not an usual day.

Well! Not At least for Sparsh.

"Yep." I said, pulling my hoodie over my head.

Like everyday Sparsh had asked me again to have a dinner with him and like a good friend which I am, I agreed. Ok! It's the first time I had agreed to his offer. I never meant to be rude by denying his offer daily. But what I was supposed to do? I always had plans with Parth and being with him was definitely more important than being with anyone else, unless it's Rafael Nadal. The point is I was always caught up with Parth to say yes to Sparsh, but as recently I am ignoring Parth, I finally accepted Sparsh offer.

Which is why Sparsh is super excited that he already closed the store.

Have you ever seen a kid who gets a candy after stubbornly demanding for it. Yes, you hit the point, Sparsh is right now the same kid.

I am really proud of myself that I have become the reason of someone's smile. I feel special when I do that to Parth. I really love him smiling and those dimples on his cheeks looks so adorable. And those pink lips of his are like cheery, I have never tasted cheery, but I have kissed cheery lips.

My first kiss. Could you believe that it was lost to Parth..? Yes! I couldn't believe it myself. It was like dream and soft and wet and then it moved and it melted with my own lips and then the magic happened, I felt something so strong that I still couldn't explain. It was like I have found a missing puzzle and with that kiss it just made my life perfect.

Hang in there..!

Yes! It was my first kiss and it was of course special for me, but it could have been more special if Parth have remembered every taste of it. But he didn't, by the time he woke up, he has forgotten everything he said or did that night.

And that's why I am avoiding Parth as I am too disappointed with him. Not because he kissed me. No. It was his alcohol. He had nothing to do with that. I was angry because Parth lied. He lied that he went to drink water, but the fact was, he hurt himself because of me and worst of all he hide it from me.

"Let's get going." Sparsh drifted me from my thoughts as he put his heavy hand on my shoulder and pushed me a little and we walked out of the store. As we walked I saw someone who was not supposed to be here, not now.

There is this saying that if the person you are thinking about appears in front of you then he gets blessed with 100 years of life and I guess I just blessed Parth with same.

But I am ignoring him.

That's the reason, when he walked toward us,

I turned like a rabbit.

Like his rabbit.

Ryan.! Did you forget that you are disappointed in him.? Be in character. Yeah!

"Hey Sparsh. Can I talk with Ryan?" Whow.! He wanna talk with me. Say, No Sparsh.

"Yeah, sure." Don't you get NO.. N....O.. NO.


What if I run now..?

He will chase you. Who said that..? Oh my subconscious brain.

"Why.. Ok.. But be fast. We have plans." And I heard Sparsh's footsteps walking away. He should have stayed.

"Ryan. I know you are mad at me, but please don't turn your back on me." That voice made me turn in an instant and when I saw him standing close to me and those blue eyes on me, I realized how much I really missed him.

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