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With every day, every hour, every second, it felt like time is moving near. Near to end at the same time near to the future. Future with Ryan. It was all in my hands. I had to chose, if I want an end or a beginning. A beginningwith Ryan, a life where I can call him mine. And that won't happen, unless I stand on my own feet and stand for my own feelings and just tell him that how much I really love him. 

Since last three day's I was trying hard to stay away from Ryan, sticking with Aarav's plan. A plan where I was cowardly waiting for Ryan to tell me his feelings. I was a coward, I admit. 

I wasn't even sure whether he has feelings for me or not. 

I mean. Come on, it's not a fairy tale..!

Just because people say's he like's me doesn't mean he likes me and to know if he really like's me or not, I have to ask him about that. 

Right now it was celebration time. Everyone was celebrating the victory of Scholar High. Victory of Ryan. He won the tournament and I could see him from up here, that he was enjoying his victory. Beside him there was Ziyan who had won the bronze medal and Sam was between them kissing both of theirs medals. They all were happy. Ryan was happy and I wanted to share his happiness. His every bit was alluring me toward him. And that's made me stand up. Stand up for the first time, with confidence. 

Aarav was next to me who was watching me keenly. When I got up, he just smiled. I thought he would stop me, but he just pushed me ahead and I ran. Ran toward Ryan, where he was enjoying his victory with Sam and Ziyan. 

I stopped few feet's away from them. 

Ryan was holding his trophy as if it's his baby. And Sam was holding Ziyan's trophy in the exact same way and he was holding Ziyan by his shoulder. Two of them were crazily jumping and dancing on their feet's whereas Ziyan was forcefully dragged to do the same. 

I was getting nervous as I approached to them. I didn't want to spoil their mood, but I had to do what I am suppose to do, before I change my mind. No, I made my mind. I am going to tell him. 


"Ryan." I called him, but all three heads turned. Sam saw me in surprise and then he turned his head toward the crowd, in Aarav's direction and showed his thumbs up to Aarav. There was something going on between Aarav and Sam from the last two days. Something which has to do with the plan, which I just ruined it. I was not sad, I was just nervous. 

"Parth, I won." He cheered and hugged me instantly. Suddenly, I felt like all the weight on my heart, just lifted away. 

"Congratulation Rabbit. You deserved it." I said, hugging him back. I felt so relief that he had forgiven me for everything I did to him from last three days. 

But then, he moved from my body and stepped away. I stepped forward to regain the closeness, but he looked away. It was painful. The expression on his face was same as when he looked yesterday morning when he saw me in bed with Aarav. 

"Stop. Why are you here.?" He said taking another step behind.

"For you." 

"Don't do this to me, Parth. You are giving me hopes, when I know you love...." I stopped him by grabbing his hand and took him away from the crowd. I found an empty room where I took him and closed the door behind. I didn't want him to escape. I just wanted him to listen. Listen to me before making any conclusion.

"What are you doing.?" He asked me madly, as soon as I shut the door.

I just held his hand, entangling it with my fingers and looking into his deep black eyes, which was avoiding my stare. He wasn't avoiding my eyes, but he was trying hard. Soon he gave up and his eyes locked with mine. 

Another Hope. (Boyxboy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu