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The Above Picture Is Sumedh As Ryan..!


"Are you comfortable there Ryan..?" A very unrealistic polite voice hit my ear, which was trying to wake me up from my nap. As I was so tired to even listen what the voice was asking me, answering it would be some other story.

"Yeaaah.." I answered, not even bothering to lifting my head from my desk. Not just that, Zi, who was seated next to me was constantly hitting my leg, which I guess was trying to tell me something, but I was so into my sleep so I ignored. Can't they let me sleep in peace.

"Are you sure..? Don't you need some pillow or something comfortable..?" The same polite voice suddenly turns into harsh, real harsh.

"Hmmmm.." Does that makes a difference..? Certainly not as I was so tired that I can even sleep in the parliaments discussion where people discus less and shouts more. But then her hands banged on my desk, bringing me out of my sleep not just that, but that bang on my desk flew me away in shock.. Perfect.. I always knew that Mrs. Priya had supernatural powers.

"Now that you are awake.. Take this note and visit principal office now.." Not again.. She wrote a note and handed it to me which I took with no interest.

"But Priya Mam, last time I went to visit principal  Sir, he told me not to show him my face again.. So, don't you think I should stay here instead.."

"Ryan, I don't want to see your face, either." She is so rude. I was just sleeping, not that I have murdered her cat or kidnapped her husband. But to convince her I had my precious weapon,

"Mam, you are looking very beautiful today." The whole class laughed and Zi just ignored me hitting his head with his palm and spacing from me like he doesn't know me.

"Not, going to work Ryan.. You called me old just two days ago.." Argh.. I suppose I have no choice. "Now don't disturb my class and leave.." Zi held my hand stoping me to leave and about to say something to Miss. Priya, but she interrupted.

"No. Ziyan, don't try to hide his mistakes again." What...? All my mistake was just taking a nap in a class.

"Mam, he was sick." Zi lied to protect me.

"Oh really.?" She looked at Zi adjusting her specs on her nose and then turn to me "Then after visiting Principal's, you can visit a nurse's office too. And don't worry about coming back." She is rude, Zi is nice. I took Zi hand off me and made my way outside and before leaving I stuck my tongue out at her, on which whole class giggled again and Miss. Priya rolled her eyes, ignoring me.

"Silence.." It was the last word I heard before leaving. I am hated by all my teachers, not like I suck in my grades. No, let me tell you I am smart and my grades are high not as high as Zi's but he is topper so, I am the next topper or 3rd or maybe 10th... Arghhh... doesn't matter, I am still topper. But that's not the issue, the issue is they hate me for not giving interest in their class and also not behaving well, but still having great grades. They are not known that I have natural talent. My dad was one of the great engineers of this country.


During lectures these halls are so silent. Those creamy walls are like some scary movie and silence makes it worse. If you want to experience a pin drop silence, you can experience here. I don't have pin though.

Finally, I reached here. I handed my note to the Principal's secretary who was working on her table.

"Hello Ryan..? What have you done now..?" She read my note and smiled. "Sleeping again, huh..?"

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