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When I close my eyes, I feel him. When I open it, I feel fear.

Closing my eye's makes me believe that everything will be fine. That I'll get to see the people I love the most, who'll do everything to save me from this hell.

But then, when I open my eyes, I find myself wrapped into the same inescapable hell where I lived last seven 7 years of my terrible childhood, which evade the hope, which was the only key left for living a happy life.

A life with my friends, who are my family.

But again, by shutting my eyes, I was getting a false hope. A false happiness which I'll never be able to attain ever after again. That's why I chose a reality over a false hope and decided to keep my eyes open and stare a wall which was plain and empty as if it was reflecting my life.

"Ryan." A while of staring a wall, it felt like it was now calling my name. Soon, I realized it's not a wall which was calling my name. It was a person.


I was sitting on a dirty mattress which was on the floor of the closed gallery where these people's keeps their trash. I lived whole seven years here in this thrash room. Even I was being considered same.

Remember that movie with a wizard boy who used to live his life under stairs?

Exactly, my life was same as his or even worse. He got to escape from his hell, but mine was always following me.

"Ryan." The voice called me again. Knowing who it is, I avoided him.

"Ryan." It called my name again, but with a pity in it.

Am not familiar with this version of his voice, it was better when he had used it to abuse me, but now it sounds like he is guilty.

And after all those years, I can't accept it!

Why you have to feel guilty after these many years?

What were you doing when your so dear dad locked me in the toilet for two day's just because I broke your stupid toy? Wasn't it you who complained about it to him, so that he won't find out that it was you who actually broke it?


Where were you when your dad had beaten me for stealing the money that I never stole?

Where were you when he hit me on my head, which almost took my life.?

Where were you when I had to do chores for your mother? So that she could enjoy with her friends.

Let me tell you where you actually were!

You were busy abusing your cousin in front of your friends just to impress your dad.!

"Ryan." His voice broke and I shut my eyes with a tear falling down my cheeks.

"Ryan, Raghav has called." He said closing the broken door behind. "He wants to meet you." I heard everything, but I ignored. Because I wanted to meet no-one.

"You won't talk with me?" He was sounding so much guilty.

"Nayan." Aunt called him from the hall, which scared him as he didn't want to get caught talking with me. See, he still thinks me as a shit of a cousin brother who doesn't even deserved to be talked with.

"I... I think I should leave." He rushed outside like a coward.

I hate him. I always have. There was a time I used to look up to him, but he always turned me down.

Another Hope. (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now