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Next morning, I woke by a rude knock at my door. Mom usually never bothers me on my vacations. And sports days are more or less like vacations for me and my parents clearly knows that and the twins are not that strong to knock rudely at my door. 

I was at the extreme edge of the bed, from where if I even try to move a bit, then I might fall. Therefore, there was no way I was going to open that door. Also, Ryan was in my arms, sleeping peacefully and I was loving this position so much that I ignored the knock anyways. 

So who was going to open it..? 

None of us. I pulled Ryan closer and slept again. 

The person at the door must have left and that made me wonder who it was so early to disturb three of us.

Oh! Did I forget to tell that Ziyan stayed with us.? Yesterday night, he was nervous and Ryan asked him to stay. 

Well, he forced him to stay and he stayed. 

Sam was also asked to stay as well, but he denied  saying his dad won't allow him to stay at some psychopath.  

That's me.!

No wonder our hate for each other is mutual. 

But the way he talks about his dad, it makes me wonder that he rules his life at some point. The way his dad made him quit Tennis and forced him to join Cricket, I feel bad about it. But as he say's it was no-one's but his decision so no one should feel bad about it and he is happy that his two best friends have participated at his place, instead. So he will support them and they will win the trophy for him 

The Annual Gathering of school has just started and from today onwards the sport's day has begun.

In the morning there was a cricket tournament. As it was none of our interests, so none of us went to see it.

Sam might have gone to the tournament as he has joined the team. He is in extra's, I guess. And according to my knowledge, extras have to lick the players' feet to get into the team and he might be doing the same. 

Knowing Sam, he might lick their feet, not for getting a position in the team, but for some other reason. 

And that reason everyone know's.

After few minutes Ziyan's phone rang and he answered it. I could clearly hear someone shouting, both from his phone speaker and from outside the door. Ziyan hung up and stood from the bed, his moment made Ryan to move as well, away from my arms. When Ziyan finally opened the door, it flew open and Sam entered inside screaming and shouting at Ziyan.

"What you were doing..? I had knocked millions of times."

"Sleeping." Ziyan answered and lay back next to Ryan. Ryan quickly moved and pulled Ziyan into his arms. 

To be honest, instead of getting jealous, I found it amusing. 

"Ryan, take your hands off my... Ziyan. Now." But there was someone who got jealous.  Sam's shouting made Ryan to open his left eye.

"Sam, let us sleep." 

"No. No. Coach sir, said that if you two won't show up in next 30 minute's he will take your name off from the tournament." That made Ryan to get up from his sleep as well as from bed. Whereas Ziyan stayed where he was.

"I don't care. I wasn't ready to play in that tournament in the first place." Zi said pulling me into his arms. Now that was weird. I said to myself.

"Damn.! Parth don't you dare to get close to Ziyan. Take your filthy hands off him."

It was Ziyan, who had pulled me. Anyway's Sam was pissed for no reason and dragged Ziyan away from me even from my bed. Doing so Ziyan fell on the floor on his ass. That gave me full access to my blanket which I pulled all over me. 

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