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So Its A Chapter 5. I Really Want To Write More On This Story As I Am Really Enjoying Writing It. But My Motivations Are Votes.. If I Get Votes And More Reads From My Readers I Might Give More Time For My This Story Than Others.

The Above Picture Is Of Parth.. Isn't He Handsome..?


"Don't run from me Parth." I was not in the mood to attend the chemistry practical class. So, I decided to skip it spending the next hour in the school sport gym area. After what happened in the canteen, I better need some distraction. I thought I would be alone and no one will bother me here, but no, I was wrong, Aarav followed me and I was trying my best to avoid his presence.

"You can't avoid me Parth, not this time." The same voice stopped me by his hand, his touch is still same, it has magic, but it no more feels the same. Instead of love, I feel hate. So much hate that I might grab him by his collar and hurt his ugly face. I am afraid of that, I might do it or even worse. And that's the reason I want to stay away and let him be happy with his love, Sai.

"What do you want to talk Aarav..?" It was the first time I actually talked with him since last few months. I was dying to do talk with him, but not this way. I wanted to run and distance myself from him and isolate myself somewhere, some world where I can't see him with Sai. The friendship we had is no more same it's like those torn pages of old books. I know he tried to make it work, but he doesn't know how much pain I was holding inside and which was not allowing me to be friend with him again. During all those days he wanted me to talk with him like he is dying for it, but this time he doesn't care if I stop and talk with him as he is totally pissed to scream at me as if he hates me. His hate would be the last thing I will ever accept.

"About Ryan. Why were you treating that poor kid like that Parth..?" Aarav screamed in my face, just like he snapped at me when he took Ryan away from me. I was confused all of sudden action. First Ryan cried, definitely a tear fall from his eye. I had noticed his nose sweaty with the minute droplets on it, I thought it must be because of hot weather, I found it amusing as I have never seen sweaty nose and that cute nose were so adorable. But before I could know the reason, Aarav came from nowhere tasted the food which I was feeding the sweet little guy with my own hand and snapped at me and took him along with him. I was confused, so I decided to taste the food, but it mistakenly fell off the table before I could.

"I was just feeding him his food." It was my turn to shout, but Aarav didn't move an inch, instead he frowned and took a step closer to me.

"You was torturing that fucking innocent kid." What the hell he is talking about, I was just feeding his food as he was not eating. I was worried about his health just like Dev was.

"What do you mean..?" This time I lowered my voice as it's about Ryan and I don't want to hurt that guy. I already put a wrong impression on him and now I don't want him to hate me. Also, I don't get why Aarav is being so protective over Ryan. As far as I know he never got along with Ryan, but right now it's different. He is fighting with me for him, as if he cares about him and ready to take Ryan away from me. 

"Don't act like you don't know anything, Parth." I really don't know nothing. "That food you were feeding him was spiced up. It was too much spice Parth. Do you know what that means..?" He must be kidding. Ryan didn't say anything when I was feeding him, he just ate quietly. I was happy to feed him, just like he fed me that day. I was happy that he is accepting it from my hand. But I never knew it was torture, it was true. I did torture him. I felt bad. How can I do it, how can I make that cute little guy suffer with my own hand.

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