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Look who is above..? Parth..!


I shut my eyes tight enough to block the torturing sun rays, which was coming from my window. I know who is behind all this. That cute lil evil devil.

"Aarav, close those curtains now." I seized the pillow over my eyes. Aarav always finds a new way to wake me up. No, he isn't my brother or anything similar, he is my dad's friend's son, who came to study in my college away from his hometown.

"Get out of your dream and bed now." An annoying voice of my mother echoed in my room. I took another pillow and put each one over my ear. Hearing my mom would be the morning is the last thing I would ever wish for. By the way, why is she the one waking me up..?

Where is Aarav..?

"Mom.. Get out of my room and let me sleep."

"You will get late for your college if I get out of here without waking you up." She screamed even louder. She is lying. Aarav always makes sure that we won't get late for college, and as he didn't wake me up, that means he must be still sleeping beside me and it's not as late as she is claiming. I throw my hand to grip Aarav on the other side of the bed. I searched him there, but

It was EMPTY.

"Aaarav..?" And I woke up with a hint of panic, realizing he doesn't stay here anymore and even he doesn't love me the way I want him to. He rejected me. Yes, the moment I met him, I got attracted toward him. This feeling was new for me and I was confused, I never liked a guy and I kept denying my feeling. So I lost my chance on him. When my hopes were getting high and my feeling was getting stronger, I found out that he is dating no other than my best friend.The moment I found it out, I messed up everything.

"Aarav isn't here Parth.." It hurts to know that. Because even if he is not here, he is always in my mind.

"I know mom. Now will you please leave..?" My mom sighed and took a look in my room and left with another sigh. My room is a total disaster, it might be my fault for destroying it, but now it's really hard to find anything here. I need my college uniform, but I don't remember where I kept them.

"Momm.... "

"Wardrobe first rack.." She didn't even hear my question and answered me and yeah it was there. I quickly showered and wore my clothes with my orange hoodie over it.

I was getting late, but it's not like anyone in college who must be waiting for me. I went into the kitchen area where my mom was cooking breakfast, of course for me. My mom is a working woman, she works for some NGO and the kind of work she does, makes me feel so proud of her. She is very great to be honest, she works, but still cook's delicious food for me and dad. Also, she looks after the home. My dad on the other hand he is always on his business tour. Sometimes he takes mom along with him, sometime's he goes alone. Not to forget to mention that he never take's me along with him. That's the reason why I always want him to never leave.  

"Hey mom, did dad call..?" Mom who didn't even turn to see me and continued cooking something very delicious said,

"Nah, I called him, but I guess he must be in his meeting." Damn.. It was the 3rd day since dad didn't respond to our call.

"He is so fuc*king irresponsible." I hate it when he ignores us. I mean when I disappear somewhere they want me to call and tell them and if I don't they just punish me and when it comes to them they forgets the fact that their kid's care's about them too. 

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