Chapter 27 - I Love Him So Much

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I Love Him So Much

     I caressed his face, trying to figure out if he was real. If he was really in front of me.

     Not a hallucination.

     Not a hallucination.

     I could feel the happy tears streaming down my face. Snot was coming out of my nose—gross—but I don’t care.

     I’m safe.

     I’m safe.

     “You could be so stupid sometimes, you know that?” Harry exclaimed-whispered as he continued peppering me with kisses.

     I chuckled and wiped the tears—and snot—from my face. “You were having so much fun!—dancing your ass off. I didn’t want to disturb you”

     “Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” He continued ranting. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed a hard kiss on top of my head.

     “All right. All right. I get it. I’m stupid. Yadda yadda yadda” I rolled my eyes, even though I was amused by his flustered appearance. I wrapped my arms around him, afraid of letting go. Afraid of losing my one chance of getting a new start.

     “Liiiiiiiizzie! Come on Poppet! You know that I don’t like games!” I gasped and went back to reality as soon as I heard his voice.

     “Come on! We can’t stay here” I laced my and Harry’s fingers and pulled him. I was panicking. My footsteps weren’t exactly mute—and so were Harry’s. Any minute now, Luke will find us and the climax would take its part. How could this happen? I glanced at Harry. How could someone who started off as a world-renowned flirt be as loving and careful as he is now? How can I be so lucky to receive him?


     Lights were beginning to open one by one. I internally groaned. It would be easier for him to see us now. My chest started to constrict from exhaustion. How long have we been running? The hallway was an endless maze. It was as if there was not any exit granted for us. Panic began to build up in my mind. What if the only exit was through the party? Our breathing was beginning to sound rugged. Sweat was beginning drip down my neck despite the cold air. My eyes started to roam around as I searched for a possible exit or hiding place that would buy us some time. There was nothing but carefully designed walls on either side of us. There were not turning points so we just had to keep on running forward.

     No exits.

     No hope.

     I stopped running as soon as my eyes caught the sight of a brass doorknob. I breathed out in relief. I let go of Harry’s hand, making him turn around in shock. His eyes showed confusion. I ignored him and reached for the doorknob.

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