Chapter Four: Why Are You Talking To Me?

Start from the beginning

I felt my cheeks grow hot, but I refused to let Reese see me blush. So I scowled at him before entering the class. Inside the teacher began his lecture so I quickly scurried over to an empty seat in the back, which to my disappointment, the seat beside me was empty too.

And guess who sat there.

The entire time I jotted down the notes Mr. Cowell wrote on the board, but I could feel Reese's stare on me. More like smirk.

Once we got assigned to do work in our book, I briskly turned my neck to face Reese who was actually doing the work. "You do know you have to pay for my phone!" I whispered harshly.

He didn't bother to face me, but an amused grin appeared on his perfect lips. "I know, but I think you owe me."

"Owe you for what?"

Reese finally turned to stare at me, those icy blue eyes reminding me of someone. "For not introducing me to your old friend. What was her name?" He took a minute to think before responding. "Bridget!"

"She's not my friend," I hissed. "She's a bitch."

"Didn't look like that when you saw her yesterday," he smirked.

"Well I didn't want to get in a fight with her in front of everyone. Plus, she hates me for some damn reason that I don't know. So if you want to get to know her and all, introduce yourself!"

"Ms. Rosewood!" Mr. Cowell boomed. "Are you finished with your assignment?"

My cheeks grew hot as I leaned back in my seat. "No," I mumbled quietly.

"Then what have you been doing this entire time?" He was waiting for my answer but it was kind of obvious to everyone that I didn't have one.

I was about to say something when Reese cut me off. "She was just asking me a question about the assignment Mr. Cowell. I just helped her out."

My eyes darted from Mr. Cowell to Reese who had a straight face towards him with a small smirk at the corner of his lips.

"Get to work now," he finally said before returning to his computer.

I felt myself sink into my chair when I faced Reese. A playful grin appearing on his lips. "Now you owe me."

Alex finally came home after I called him several times from school on my broken phone. Again, no one had picked me up, but this time they actually had their schedule packed. So I accepted their excuses.

"I hope you had a good reason to call me a thousand times during my class." Alex looked a bit annoyed once he stepped inside my room to say that, which caused a smile to appear on my face.

"I didn't know you had class alright, I forgot."

"Sure you did." He sat next to me in bed as I laid against my headboard, sighing in response. "So, lil sis? How was school today?"

"Are you really trying to start small talk with me, big bro?" I scoffed.

Alex acted as if I had offended him and put his hand over his heart. "I'm hurt, lil sis. Hurt."

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