A Slap In The Face

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"I had to tell Christy." Harper repeats.  "Why?!" I exclaim, fear and anger filling me.  "She's technically your therapist." she says.  "She's technically an idiot." I say.  Harper laughs.  "For someone who came very close to dying, you have a great sense of humor." she says.  "Shut up." I say.  "Evelyn, she's not going to be mad.  Trust me.  I've been here with her.  She's going to be concerned and worried, but not angry.  If she's angry, just let me know." she reassures me.  Harper's phone rings.  She looks at the screen and a look of worry fills her eyes.  "Excuse me, I have to take this." she says, leaving the room.  She leaves the door slightly open and stands outside of it.

"What do you want, Chloe?!" she demands.  "No, I'm not able to." she says.  "Why not?!!  Did you really ask me why not?!  Because I'm at the hospital...with Evelyn...because she attempted suicide." she says, raising her voice.  "I have to go.  I don't care that your car is out of gas, I don't care that Mya is at home sick, I don't care about any of your petty problems.  Goodbye." she says before coming back in.  "Sorry about that." she says to me.

I shrug, looking away.  "Evelyn, what are you-" she begins.  A knock on the door interrupts her.  "Come in." Harper calls, sounding irritated.  "Harper, what are you doing here?" Christy says, closing the door after she comes in.  "My intern attempted to kill herself.  Where else would I be?" she answers, squeezing my hand comfortingly.  "It's getting late; go home." she tells Harper.  "No." Harper says.  "Well, get out for a few minutes." Christy snaps.  "Watch your tone with me." Harper says, leaving the room.

"Why'd you do that?" Christy asks me once the door closes.  I don't answer.  I look at the door, trying to block her out and not react to anything she says.  "Answer me." she says, looking at my bandaged arms.  I don't say anything.  She taps me on the arm.  I sharply take a breath, pain exploding like fire in my arm.  "Pay attention to what I am asking you or you will be sent to an institution." she snaps.  I ignore her and stay silent.  

"Evelyn, I do not have the patience to be ignored!  Answer my question.  You're being very immature.  In fact, you're acting like a spoiled brat.  If you don't cooperate, I'll send you somewhere you won't be allowed home until you do." Christy says.  The door opens and Harper comes in.  "Christy, get out.  You aren't patient enough to handle this, as you said.  I'll just take things from here.  You're being a real  idiot.  Evelyn doesn't need threats and rude behavior, you have to be compassionate and caring.  I can't believe this is even a side of you.  You're so patient with me, but with Evelyn, you're horrible.  Just leave her alone...please." Harper says.  "Harper, stop interfering.  She is not your patient...she is just an intern.  No mentor should care about their interns this much." Christy says to her.  

Harper suddenly slaps Christy in the face.  "What the  heck?!!" Christy yells, holding her cheek.  "That's how I feel when you insult her and me.  Get out." Harper snaps.  Christy leaves, slamming the door behind her.  "Well, that was shocking." Harper mumbles.  I sigh sadly and look away.  She takes my hand and sits down.  A tear runs down my face.  "It's going to be okay.  You'll get the help you need...and I don't care what that idiotic doctor says, you're going to an inpatient treatment program...you need help...that I can't give...that I don't know who can give on an outpatient basis." she tells me.  I start crying.  "I'm sorry...I want what's best for you.  You'd do the same thing if a patient attempted suicide.  Please understand." she says.  "Al-alright." I say, fighting back my tears.  

"We're ready to move her up to the overnight ward." a nurse says, coming in without knocking.  "Is it possible for her to be transferred to an inpatient psychiatric hospital?" Harper asks.  "I'll check with her doctor." the nurse says before leaving the room.  My stomach drops.  Harper's serious about this.  I bite my lip.  "What are you thinking?" Harper asks me.  I shake my head, starting to cry again.  This feels like a slap in the face.  I can't do this...I can't handle this.

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