The World Comes Back

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The world comes back into focus with the sound of a saw whirring.  The roof of my car is lifted off.  I still have my hand over Hannah's forehead.  The blood runs down my arm.  "Someone help!!!" I scream.  I feel someone touch my arm.  I hit whoever that is and scream again.  "Ma'am, stay calm." a young man says to me.  I try to turn my head and see him, but I realize a neck brace is tightly on me.  I look over at Hannah and see she has a neck brace on too.   

I tightly close my eyes, so I don't see all the blood around me.  "I killed my sister!!!" I scream.  Suddenly, someone slowly moves my arm away from Hannah.  I scream again as pain shoots up my arm.  "Does your arm hurt?" he asks me.  "Yes!!" I yell.  Tears sting the cuts that cover my face.  He puts my arm back down.  I feel how deep the hole in Hannah's head is.  I start to panic.  I breathe quickly, soon hyperventilating.  I killed Hannah...I'm so stupid!  How could I do this?!!

"You didn't kill your sister.  She's alive." he tells me.  A wave of relief washes over me.  I see Hannah's eye lids flutter as guilt starts punching me in the stomach.  I hear the saw whirring again and this time, it's closer to me.  The door and metal frame are taken off and I'm brought out of the car and laid on a back board.  They do the same to Hannah.  I'm put in an ambulance and then it starts speeding away.  I don't even remember completely what happened!  What happened?!!

I begin to feel sick.  I cough and blood comes up.  They make me spit it out into some sort of container and the ambulance seems to move faster.  I squeeze my eyes shut.  I feel someone putting something over my face.  "Relax.  We're going to help you." the young man from earlier says to me.  I realize he put a mask on my face.  "I'm dying!" I cry.  "No, you're going to be okay.  It's just a scratch." he says.  What an idiot!  I'm dying!!  This isn't a scratch!  

The ambulance stops and I'm rushed inside.  "Where's my sister?!!" I demand, becoming frantic and terrified.  "She's being brought in by helicopter." a nurse tells me.  "What?!!  She's that hurt?!!" I cry, fighting against the hands holding me in place.  "Relax." she says.  "Let me see my sister!!" I cry.  "You aren't thinking clearly.  You got in a very bad accident.  You're just very confused and afraid right now." she says to me.

I lay back, crying.  "What's your name?" I'm asked.  "Evelyn James." I cry.  "What's your sister's name?" she asks.  "Hannah...I forget her last name." I say.  "Okay, Evelyn, do you have anyone I can call for you?" she asks.  I tell her Harper's phone number.  It's the only one I can remember.  "Okay, in the meantime, we're going to give you some medicine to make you relax." she says.  "What?!  No!" I exclaim, beginning to fight against the people again.

I feel a sharp stab in my arm.  I cry out as the world gets hazy and I feel dizzy and weak.  I blink several times and try to look around.  "Just relax." the nurse says to me, smoothing my hair.  I cry quietly as I start to feel sleepy and out of control.  My eye lids become heavier and heavier, but I struggle to stay awake.  Then, I finally give in and sleep.

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