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"I mean...." Chloe begins.  She heavily sighs and rolls her eyes.  "I can't be the only one who has noticed Evelyn's personality is a bit...abrasive and intense...and she can be a little..abusive." she says.  "Have you even given her a chance, Chloe?!  She is actually really sweet and helpful." Harper says.  Tears run down my face.  "She is only intense if she's upset...and she's not abrasive or abusive towards patients...she's just a little firm...not mean, like some people...just more challenging...she balances me out really well and she's a big part of why some of the trickier patients are recovering." Harper adds.

"She can't possibly be the reason why, Harper...you've just gotten better at your job...we all realize that Evelyn is just..she has her own problems, she can't really be that helpful." Chloe says.  "Shut up!!!" I scream, tears still falling.  "This is what I mean." she says.  "Chloe, stop.  You're judging her and you haven't even observed her working with patients before.  This is just going to upset everyone.  Please don't do this." Harper interrupts.

Chloe leaves the room.  "Is that h-how everyone sees me?" I ask, my voice shaking.  "No, honey.  Chloe doesn't mean that...she's just...upset." Harper says, trying to hide something.  "That is how everyone sees me!!  How could you never tell me?!" I exclaim.  "I never said that." she says, her voice calm.  "You implied  it." I snap.  "Calm down.  Chloe is going through a lot right now and she has a lot on her plate...plus, she is really doubtful of interns...she thinks if she's hard on you, you'll be prepared for the reality of this job." she explains.  

"This is not preparing me...it's hurting me." I cry.  "Chloe has a..strange way of going about things." Harper says.  Chloe comes back in.  "If you are this weak, don't bother going into this career!  You will not be able to handle it!  You will not be able to handle it when your most high risk patient commits suicide.  You will not be able to handle aggressive patients screaming at you and trying to physically attack you!  You will never be able to handle a patient in crisis, hallucinating, that won't listen to a thing you say and is convinced you're trying to hurt them.  I've had to deal with all of this in one day, Evelyn.  You couldn't handle it!  If a few harsh words upset you this much, you need to leave now." she yells.

"I could handle those things, Chloe.  I can't handle someone I trust and look up to screaming at and being rude to me.  I can't handle what  you're saying to me.  I can't handle you just...treating me like an idiotic child, Chloe...and I'm not going to." I say.  "You can't talk to me like that, Evelyn!  You're done.  Get out." Chloe says.  

"No...you get out!" Harper snaps, tears in her eyes.  "Who do you think you're talking to?" Chloe asks her.  "Someone who is ruining my intern's confidence.  Just get out." she says.  "No." she responds.  "Get out of my office or I will quit!" Harper exclaims.  A flash of fear appears in Chloe's eyes.  "Fine...but don't think I'll ever accept Evelyn working with you." she says, leaving.  "How could this happen?" I ask.  Harper seems stunned.  She wipes her eyes.  "I'm sorry about that." she mumbles, picking at the skin around her finger nails.  I sigh quietly.  "I don't know how we're related.  She's just so....horrible. Harper says, a tear falling.  She wipes it away and sighs.

"Please don't let my sister get to you.  She's going through a lot and she is doing this to make herself feel better.  She thinks if she can bring you down, she'll bring herself up.  Just ignore her and remember who you are...please never lose who you are." she says.  "I can't believe that is how she sees me.  I didn't realize that was...that." I say.  She laughs despite what just happened.  "You're taking this better than me." she says.  I shrug and say "I grew up with abusive...horrible people.  I'm used to it."  Harper smiles sadly.  "That's probably the only way your past has benefited you...you can, sort of, handle my sister's rampages." she tells me.

I look down, trying to hide just how upset this has made me.  "Evie..." she says.  "Yeah?" I say.  "You're not as okay as  you're acting, are you?" she asks.  I shake my head.  "Chloe really got to you..." she says.  I shrug.  "Honestly?" Harper asks.  "Yeah, Harper...she really did..." I say.  "Please don't let this ruin the confidence you have in yourself.  You've done really well so far with our patients...you're now a part of this...you can't get out of this now." she says.  I start crying.  "Hon, I love helping patients...and I love working with you...but I wanted Chloe's approval...and I just can't do this." I say before I run out.

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