Sixty Six

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"Come on Amelia, it's time to see daddy." Demi encouraged smiling as Amelia ran over to her holding onto her hand. Another two years had passed by and Amelia was now three years old. Joe had missed another year. The hospital knew he was going to make it through this which is why they hadn't let him go. He had no machines keeping him alive now, he just needed to wake up on his own accord which they thought would be soon but Demi remembered them telling them that this time last year. She just wanted to see his smile again, hear his voice. Hear him tell her how much he loved her, she missed waking up next to her and feel his lips on hers.

"Mommy why don't I remember anything about daddy?" Amelia questioned as they left the house Demi helping her strap into the front of the car.

"Daddy has been sleeping for the past three years remember baby girl, he loves you so much don't worry about that." Demi assured her.

"What if he doesn't like me?" Amelia mumbled.

"Nonsense Amelia, your dad will love you no matter what." Demi kissed her forehead gently before shutting the door climb into the driver's side.

Demi helped Amelia sit up on the bed like she usually did. She smiled as Amelia leaned over kissing Joe's cheek gently snuggling into his chest. She always liked to have cuddles with her daddy when she was here. Amelia was already Joe's biggest fan Demi always showing her videos of Joe and his brothers as they grew up in the band, showing her Camp Rock and their TV show. She just couldn't wait to see him again.

"Daddy wake up." Amelia mumbled.

"He'll wake up soon Amelia I promise but at the moment he's doing well isn't he." Demi stated moving some of Joe's hair out of his face kissing his forehead. She hoped that he would know how much they both loved him.

"Daddy has big hands." Amelia spoke lifting Joe's hand up putting hers against his, Demi smiled kissing her head gently.

"He plays guitar baby girl, guitarists tend to have bigger hands." Demi answered.

"Teach me how to play?" Amelia questioned Demi only smiling more.

"If you want and he's better, I'm sure he will love to teach you how to play or mommy could teach you if you want?" Demi suggested laughing when Amelia shook her head quickly hugging her dad some more.

"No daddy." Amelia demanded Demi stroking her hair gently Amelia closing her eyes in satisfaction enjoying being close to both of her parents. She still saw Stephen a lot but he was now Uncle Stephen but Kevin was her favourite Uncle, he always brought her candy. Uncle Nick often made the tickle monster come and she didn't like the tickle monster.

"Mommy." Amelia whimpered when she felt Joe's hand move from under her. Demi's eyes widened slightly lifting Amelia from the bed staring down at Joe who moved his head to the side slightly. She felt the tears burn her eyes as he continued to move letting a groan escape from her eyes. Amelia was hugging her legs tight her eyes closed.

"J-Joe?" Demi stammered slightly as his eyes opened for the first time in three years. Another groan escaped his lips feeling groggy and rough. He blinked a couple of times getting used to the harsh light Demi letting him have his space. She couldn't imagine how he was feeling being practically asleep for three years after being through something so traumatic. He broke several bones but they were all relieved that he was out while he recovered. He would be in so much pain. Joe's head turned to their direction Demi able to see his chocolate brown eyes once again.

"W-Who are you?" Joe spoke his voice groggy.


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