Forty Seven

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"Contractions are getting closer together, we should get to the hospital." Joe stated wiping Demi's sweaty forehead. He couldn't imagine how scary it must be for her being a first time mother not knowing what was going to come and what kind of pain she would be in and on top of that she couldn't see what was going on or even see their little girl until after she had recovered. The operation was set for a month after the birth. She had got enough money for it to be done by herself and working. Nick had reassured Joe that he hadn't used any of his own money. She was excited to get her sight back, see her parents again, lay her eyes on the man she had fallen in love with even if he was lying to her. But most importantly she wanted to see her daughter for the first time, she didn't care about seeing herself as long as she'd be able to see all the people around her that she loved.

"H-Help me?" Demi choked through her tears.

"Of course, Jace will have to stay here though but I'll be with you the whole time." Joe assured her kissing her gently before getting up helping her stand up on her feet. She stroked Jace's fur saying goodbye to him before Joe led her out. Their little girl was just a couple of days early than her due date, she would be born on the seventh of March at this time of the day but they were just excited to meet her.

Demi whimpered as the pain came along again squeezing Joe's hand her mother being the other side of her. Joe leaned over kissing her temple whispering some encouraging words into her ear, Dianna couldn't help but smile seeing them together. She didn't like the fact Joe still hadn't told Demi who he really was but she could see how much they did love each other. When Joe did say something she'd find it hard to believe that they would let it affect their relationship.

"How long has it been now?" Demi stammered as she got her breath back relaxing on the bed again, she was determined to feel everything in this birth not wanting any pain relief. She was a fighter like she had been since she was fourteen.

"Twelve hours nearly thirteen but the midwife said on average it could be eighteen hours. I think she'll be here within two hours." Joe grinned.

"I hope so, I don't know how much more I can take." Demi muttered letting Joe wipe her forehead again as she sucked on ice.

"You're doing well Demi, keep it up." Dianna encouraged squeezing her hand gently. She was glad to have her mother here with her. She looked up to her mother wanting to be a good mother like she was, wanting her children to know how that she loved them and would always be there for them. Being in labour hasn't put her off anymore children.

"Shall we see how far you are?" Daisy, the midwife questioned Demi nodding her head. She leaned her head down on Joe's chest tired, she hoped she wasn't too far off. Daisy looked over towards Demi a small smile on her face. "It's time to push."

"I-It is?" Demi muttered.

"Yes, sit up a bit and get into the birth position," She did as she was told having Joe's hand to hold on and her mother's as she did. "When your next contraction comes give me a big push."

"I-I can't do this." Demi panicked.

"Yes you can Demi, I know you can. We'll have our little girl before you know it." Joe encouraged squeezing her hand gently Demi closing her eyes as the tears escaped her eyes. She had never been in so much pain before.

"Okay now Demi, you can do this." Daisy instructed Demi taking in a big breath before she started pushing squeezing onto the hands she had in her own.

She was still waiting for Joe to tell her who he was. She expected it to be when their daughter arrived but she was about to be here and he still hadn't muttered a word.


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