Thirty Six

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It had been about a month since Demi had found out that Joe was lying about who he really was but it did all add up. The reporters that gather around them sometimes when they go out, he says it's just someone else behind them but she knew different now. The fact that he had told her his brother's names, it would be a huge coincidence if he had two brothers called Kevin and Nick if he wasn't Joe Jonas. He still hadn't told her anything. Demi was now eight along and nothing had come up that caused any problems, they were about to go for a sonogram just to make sure everything was running smoothly before the twelve week scan a month away. Joe had managed to work something out with the hospital, they wouldn't be waiting in the waiting room where people could see who he was. He didn't need the fact he was becoming a father to be leaked out quite yet.

"Demi I just had a thought." Joe stated as he sat down next to her handing her a cup of water.

"What?" Demi inquired looking in his direction.

"You know how you wanted to have a baby when you were able to see so you could see the scans and the birth?" Joe questioned Demi nodding her head. "I'll record them on my phone then you can watch when you've had the operation." Demi couldn't help but smile taking hold of his hand squeezing it gently as she felt him kiss her head.

"That would be great Joe, then we can show him or her when he or she is older to embarrass them." Demi grinned Joe laughing.

"Trying to find ways to embarrass our child before we've even seen them on the screen!" Joe exclaimed Demi laughing this time. Joe leaned down kissing her gently before pulling away. "I love you." Demi leaned up kissing him gently with Joe's help before they pulled away again.

"I love you too Joseph." She smiled as she ran her fingers through Jace's fur who was settled down by her feet, she wanted her best friend there when she had her first scan.

Joe helped Demi up on the bed after she had gotten changed into a hospital gown, she had her blood pressure taken and her weight but now they would be able to see their son or daughter for the first time up on the screen. Demi answered any questions asked by the nurse as Joe hit record on his phone so she could watch it when she had her operation. He moved the camera towards the screen when the midwife turned it towards them.

"There is your baby." She pointed it out mainly for Joe but Demi would be able to see it in about a year when she had her eye operation done.

"What does it look like?" Demi questioned looking in the direction that Joe was in having hold of one of his hands.

"Perfect." He smiled squeezing her hand gently.

"He or she looks about the right size for eight weeks, I can't see any problems at the moment. Just take extra care with not having your sight. Even a little tumble could cause stress the little one this early." They both nodded their heads, that's what Demi was most scared about. With not having her sight she didn't want to fall and cause harm to her child. Joe recorded the rest of the appointment stopping when Demi was to get changed back into her clothes.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this, I don't want it getting leaked out that I'm having a baby." Joe asked the midwife politely.

"You have my word, I won't tell anyone." She reassured Joe thanking her as Demi wondered back over taking hold of her hand having Jace's leash in her other hand. He led her out of the room having his phone with the appointment recorded and pictures of their little ones. They were going over to Joe's parents house tonight to share the great news and Demi's parents were coming down next weekend when they both had time off work. They were both nervous about telling families but they hoped they'd support them, they hadn't been a item for long but they both knew how much they loved each other. It didn't matter how long they had been together.


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