Forty Five

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"Congratulations your having a little girl," They both heard a smile pulling at either side of their lips Joe leaning down kissing her cheek gently. They didn't mind what they had but they both thought that they wanted a girl that little bit more. They were excited to meet their little girl for the first time and start to raise her together, Demi was looking forward to having her operation so she could see her daughter for the first time after she was born. "She is a healthy little baby, no problems at the moment. Be sure to come in if you experience anything, I'll grab some pictures of your little girl for you." She left the room Demi smiling as she felt Joe's lips peck hers.

"We're having a girl." Demi whispered.

"Yes we are and she's going to be perfect," Joe grinned kissing her gently Demi kissing back before they pulled away from each other. "I love you."

"I love you too." Demi answered closing her eyes happy that she finally knew that she would be welcoming a little girl into her life.

Demi smiled as Joe sat down on the couch bringing her carefully down onto his lap where she curled up against him feeling him kiss her head. He moved his hands down onto her bump which held their daughter, they were only getting more excited about her arrival the more they thought about it but they would have to wait.

"We have the rest of the day to ourselves now." Joe stated.

"What do you want to do?" Demi questioned getting comfortable on his lap Joe locking his arms around her Jace now sat down next to them.

"Movie." She suggested.

"You could have suggested that before we got comfortable." Joe complained Demi giggling against him grabbing the remote passing it to him.

"We didn't finish the film that was on last night, we'll watch the end." Demi answered Joe smiling as he chuckled as she switched it on turning the volume up so Demi was more able to hear it before setting the remote back on the couch arm.

"Are we going to tell everyone the good news tomorrow?" Joe questioned.

"Yeah, we'll go to your parents in the morning. I'm skyping my parents later if you could set it up for me?" She felt him kiss her temple.

"Of course, you think they'll be happy it's a girl?" Joe inquired.

"I think so, I don't think they minded." Demi replied.

"And have you thought about names?" Demi giggled nodding her head. "Cause I know you too well, what are you thinking?"

"I really like the name Amelia but I want to meet her first before we confirm anything." Demi admitted her eyes moving into his direction smiling through the kiss when she felt his lips on hers. Joe pulled away but only a couple of inches.

"I love it." Joe approved Demi smiling, she had always liked the names and knew she was going to call her daughter it one day if she ever had one. She was more than relieved that Joe liked the name too, she hadn't thought of any other names. They both begun to pay attention to the film again as the action picked up but they enjoyed the embrace that they were in Joe's hand still laid down on Demi's growing bump.

"Joe?" Demi questioned.

"Yeah?" Joe questioned back looking down at her admiring her. She still had the pregnancy glow on her cheeks, she looked beautiful to him.

"Do you know who Joe Jonas is?" Demi question biting her lip gently, she felt him tense up against him wanting to see what his expression was.


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