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Demi spent a total of nearly three months in the treatment centre, she had her ups and downs. Fights with the staff, threatening to kill herself if they don't back off, trying to cheat out of eating three meals a day but now her recovery was done after giving a lot of the staff a run around. She was back to the Demi her parents had raised and they couldn't wait to bring her home after so long, she'd be where she belonged, it might take her a while to get used to the place again but she was a lot better with her white cane compared to when she came. Her surprise was awaiting.

"Hey baby girl." Eddie breathed as he entered the room holding his wife's hand but had to let go when Demi ran over jumping in his arms. He was surprised, she had really seemed to have gotten the hang of not being able to see. Eddie kissed her head before setting her on the ground.

"I get to come home today!" Demi exclaimed holding onto her mother's hand.

"Yes you do, we are beyond proud of you Demi, well done for getting yourself through everything." Dianna praised kissing her head Demi giving her a beaming smile. That was something they hadn't seen in a while without it being forced.

"Thanks, I'm sorry for everything that I put you through." She felt her step father kiss her head this time her mother squeezing her hand gently.

"It wasn't your fault baby girl, don't worry about it. Everything will go back to normal soon." Dianna assured her. She couldn't be more proud of her daughter, what obstacles she had faced compared to your average teenager but it had only made her stronger. They hoped everything would get back to normal now or at least as normal as it could get with having a blind daughter but they would do everything they could to prevent her from coming into any harm from not being able to see. That included her surprise.

"Can I have my surprise now?!" Demi urged the parents laughing.

"Of course," Eddie answered taking her other hand leading her out of the room without her white cane. She wouldn't need it much anymore.

Demi sat down on the chair Eddie helping guide her down. She put her hands down by her side as asked nervous about what was going on, she was curious too on what her surprise could be. She felt someone approach her, she was about to back away when she felt something laid on her lap. She felt it move whatever it was. Eddie and Dianna both had smiles on their faces as Demi's hands come up and onto what was in her lap, Demi squealed as she felt something wet lick her.

"A puppy?!" Demi exclaimed the parents laughing.

"He's been matched with you, he'll become your guide dog when he's been trained enough. We thought it would be something that could help you and give you some company at the same time." Dianna explained a wide grin on her face as Demi lifted the puppy up in her arms kissing his head gently then setting him back down giggling as he started to play with her hand swiping for it everytime she moved it away.

"Thank you!" Demi squealed.

"He does need a name Demi, preferably a boy's name." Demi giggled again thinking about it before answering. She wanted to make sure it was a good name and something she wouldn't regret giving him. He was going to be her best friend.

"What colour coat does he have?" Demi questioned continuing to play with the pup in her lap.

"Golden." Dianna replied simply.

"Jace, it means a healer." Demi explained the two parents smiled at each other before they bent down to Demi's level kissing the sides of her head.

"That's a handsome name Demi, we'll get a collar put on soon." Eddie answered the three of the playing with little Jace until it was time for him to be taken away ready to train him ready to be Demi's best mate. He was already halfway there.


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