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"I can't even remember what I look like anymore." Demi admitted to the guy who had been around at her house for a couple of hours now. They were both enjoying the company, Demi enjoying having human company but Joe was enjoying just talking to someone who wouldn't use him because of who he was or would go crazy because he was Joe Jonas. He had been so successful with his brothers but sometimes it was nice to talk to someone who didn't know who he was.

"How long have you been blind? I presumed it was when you were born." Joe stated taking another sip of his coffee, he was on his third now Demi having one too everytime he offered to go make her one. She could feel herself becoming friends with this guy.

"I-I was fourteen, I've never told anyone the story before..." Demi begun but Joe cut her off, he didn't want her to tell him why if she didn't feel ready.

"You don't have to tell me, we've only known each other for a couple of hours." Joe stated Demi nodding her head gently. Although she could feel herself getting closer to the guy at the side of her she didn't think she was ready to tell him that story, she didn't want to lose the only company she's had since her fight with her parents.

"Thanks." She breathed.

"Just so you know what you look like, your beautiful," Joe complimented smiling when a blush came to her cheeks burying herself into Jace's fur. "You don't need to be embarrassed about a compliment." Joe laughed slightly but not in a taunting way, he found it adorable how cute she was. He was glad he bumped into her today.

"It's just nobody has ever complimented me before besides my parents, I don't think they count." Demi admitted to him.

"You've never had a boyfriend before?" Demi shook her head gently. "Right we're going on a date tonight, I'm not ugly I promise."

"Why would you want to go on a date with me?" Demi mumbled leaning back on the couch beginning to stroke Jace who was sleeping in her lap. When Demi was settled like she had been for the past couple of hours he could rest and not before.

"Because your beautiful inside and out despite what you think, I'll come by at seven and pick you up be ready then," Joe demanded softly looking down at his phone when it buzzed, he looked at his text his brother asking where he was. He then remembered they were meant to be shooting for the show at one. "Crap Demi I have to go now but I'll see you later. Seven remember." Demi couldn't help but smile when she felt him kiss her cheek. Joe saw himself out rushing back to his own house so he could get to the set.

"Where have you been?!" Nick exclaimed as Joe entered the trailer sweaty and out of breath from rushing, he was nearly an hour late.

"Just about." Joe answered going through the script quickly to refresh himself before he would head to wardrobe and get changed.

"He was with a girl." Kevin grinned only getting a glare from his younger brother before Joe focused back on the sheet of paper in his hands.

"Were you?" Nick questioned again Joe looking up from the sheet of paper, he was excited about tonight but he didn't know how comfortable Demi was with dating someone never mind him being a celebrity so they'd have to keep it quiet for a little bit.

"Is it any of your business." Joe snapped before leaving the trailer.

"It is when your late to set!" Nick called after him Joe just rolling his eyes. He just enjoyed himself a lot with Demi and was looking forward to tonight. All the way through shooting he was thinking about her and what she would like tonight. He had plans already to make Demi feel like a special girl, she deserved it after what she had been through.


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