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Demi was wondering through the streets with Jace's leash in her hands as he assisted her into walking along the streets. She also had her white cane in her hands, she was dropping Jace off at the vets for a check up, just to make sure the working dog was okay and was still fit and well enough to be Demi's guide dog. If not she didn't know what she would do, Jace was her life and she couldn't imagine not having him around. She would want him to at least stay as her pet. Demi soon approached the vets Jace hitting the disabled button with his nose then leading Demi through the automatic door when it had opened for them. He led her over to the reception desk where they took Jace off her so Demi could do some shopping.

Demi continued to wonder the streets on her way back to the vets using her white cane, she was quite good with it by now but she still preferred to have Jace with her if possible, she felt more confident around but she had managed to do her shopping by herself. She had learned to cope without much sight and didn't feel venerable unless she didn't have Jace with her. She flinched when she felt someone bump into her making her drop her bags.

"I'm so sorry!" She heard a deep voice, she knew it was a man. He knelt down beginning to pick up her bags putting items back in which had fallen out. "Help would be nice."

"I-I can't." She stammered slightly, she wasn't good around new people. She could feel her white cane broken in her hands, she had no idea how she would get back to the vets to get Jace so he could replace her sight. The man looked up his eyes widening when he saw the broken white cane in her hands, he gathered up the belongings quicker handing them to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were um." He paused.

"Blind?" Demi questioned hearing him sigh.

"Yeah I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention when I bumped into you clearly. Will you be able to get home or do you want some help?" He questioned.

"I need to get my dog from the vets then I should be able to make it home thanks." She felt him slip his arm into hers so he could lead her.

"I'm Joe." He introduced as they begun to walk Joe leading her through the streets to get to the vets but he took his time wanting to make sure she was okay with every step.

"I'm Demi." She answered Joe not helping but smile. It had been a while since he had laid his eyes on such a beautiful girl and her name matched her face. It had been two months now since he finished things with Ashley, he hadn't seen such a beautiful girl since.

"That's a beautiful name." Joe complimented not helping but smile when he saw her cheeks blush a little bit even though she couldn't see him. It had been a while since any guy had spoken to Demi never mind complimenting her.

"Thank you."

"I presume your dog is your guide dog? What's his name?" Joe inquired wanting to start a conversation up with her, she seemed to be lonely. He could see reporters starting to take pictures of them sighing slightly, he couldn't get a minutes peace. They started asking him questions about who Demi was but he just ignored them.

"What's that?" Demi questioned Joe biting his lip knowing she was referring to the reporter's questions, he didn't want to scare her.

"Um nothing, Harry Styles is behind us." Joe answered Demi nodding her head gently, he knew he shouldn't have lied but he couldn't see her being very comfortable knowing that he was famous and they had reporters on their backs.

"Oh okay, my dogs name is Jace." Demi answered a smile on her face as she thought of her best friend. Joe could see the love in her eyes for the dog, he realised she was probably alone and he was probably her only friend.


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