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Joe entered the hospital that evening after sleeping throughout the afternoon. He had a shower before he came back ready to see his girls again. There were paparazzi waiting for him outside the hospital to see if they could get the first picture of his daughter or information but he wouldn't tell them anything and he would make sure they weren't able to get a picture of his daughter. He didn't want her to have this kind of life where she had to worry about whether there were reporters around the corner wanting to see daddy. He smiled when he entered the hospital room bit frowned when he saw that Demi was struggling to change Amelia by herself.

"Demi are you okay?" Joe questioned as he approached the room some more her head turning into his direction. He could see that she was crying.

"No! I can't even change my daughter." Demi muttered Joe sighing as he sat down next to her kissing her cheek gently. Amelia was whimpering slightly but settled down as Joe changed her pressing the clips together on her baby grow before lifting her up in his arms kissing her gently then laying her back down in Demi's arms.

"You'll get used to it Demi, it will take time and your still a little emotional from giving birth. It will be okay." Joe assured her wrapping his arm around her to comfort her.

"I'm having the operation tomorrow." Demi muttered.

"What? Don't you need to recover?" Joe questioned Demi shaking her head gently rocking her daughter in her arms. She never thought it would be so hard to be a mother while she was still blind, she didn't know when she was awake or asleep, she couldn't change her diaper very well. The only thing she hasn't struggled was feeding.

"Because it's a eye operation I don't need to, just as long as I think I'll be okay. Amelia gets to go home tonight though, do you think you'll be okay with her for a couple of nights?" Joe sighed not really wanting his daughter away from her mother but he knew how much she wanted this operation so she could see her daughter.

"What about feeding?" Joe inquired.

"I'll pump some milk, I want to get her used to a bottle anyway." Demi answered laying back on the bed Amelia now settled in her arms. Joe took her away laying her down in the plastic crib so she could sleep in peace. Joe laid down with Demi holding her as she cried gently.

"It will be okay Demi." Joe assured her kissing her temple.

"I-I'm scared of what I'll end up seeing again." Demi admitted laying her head on his chest. Joe took in a deep breath.

"Mommy will see you soon." Demi cooed at her daughter as she held her. She would be going home with Joe for the night Joe coming back with her in the morning just before Demi went for her operation. This time tomorrow she'll be able to see everything that she couldn't see before, she'd see Joe forcing him to tell her the truth but most importantly she'd be able to see Amelia just a day after she was born.

"Are you sure you don't want to keep her here Demi?" Joe questioned.

"I'm sure, she'll be better off going home with you." Demi urged letting him take their daughter away from her laying her in the car seat strapping her in then placing a holey blanket around the car seat so nobody would be able to see her and take pictures of her.

"We'll be back for your operation tomorrow." Joe stated leaning down kissing her gently pulling away before she could kiss him back.

"Joe do you have something to tell me?" Demi questioned again sighing as she heard him leave with their daughter pretending like he hadn't heard her. She wanted to hate him, to push him out of her life but they had a daughter together now. She knew she still loved him and that was the most frustrating feeling she's ever had.


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Love In The Dark | Jemiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن