Thirty Two

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Demi squealed when she felt Joe lay on her ticking her sides gently, she begun laughing trying to push him away but he was too strong for her. Joe had a grin on her face the sound of her giggles welcoming to his ears. He only stopped when she begun to struggle for breath but she still had a smile on her face as she breathed in.

"You're a meanie Demi accused squealing again when she felt his fingers come into contact with her side again but he didn't tease her with them, instead he leaned down kissing her Demi soon kissing back as her arms snaked around his neck bringing him closer to her. It had been about a month and they had been dating for just over eight weeks. They were still enjoying themselves as much as they were the first day if not more now they knew more about each other. Joe pulled away from her when air was needed smiling down at her.

"Mmm chocolate." Demi grinned licking her lips. Joe chuckled pulling her up wrapping her arms around her as she laid her head on his arm.

"I love you." He whispered in her ear.

"I love you too Joseph Jones." Joe bit his lip gently, he still hadn't told her who he was. It had been hard to keep it away from her but he didn't want things to change between them. He was enjoying spending so much time with someone who he loved and wasn't getting star struck because he was a heartthrob from a band.

"You know today is the day that I'm going to beg you to all your parents again." Joe teased feeling her groan against his chest.

"I-I don't know if I can talk to them Joe, they probably hate me." Demi mumbled staying close to his chest enjoying the embrace he had on her.

"They could never hate you Demi, they are your parents and you don't know until you've tried." Joe encouraged Demi taking in a deep breath.

"Maybe tomorrow." She muttered.

"You said that last week Demi, I'm gonna make you do it tomorrow," Demi groaned but Joe pulled away from her pecking her lips gently. "I know as soon as you do it you'll thank me for pushing you." Demi nodded her head gently laying her head back down on his chest.

"I think I wanna meet your family soon." Demi admitted.

"We'll think about that soon, it's not something that needs to be done at the moment." Joe held her tighter making her smile. She couldn't remember being this happy since she was a little girl. He made her happy and Joe was glad he was the one who did.

Demi hurried off the couch rushing over to the bathroom bumping into the wall on the way but she made it to the toilet in time to throw up. Joe wasn't far behind holding her hair back and rubbing her back. Joe sighed not liking to see her like this. She had been fine before dinner but since she ate she had been complaining of feeling icky and nauseous.

"Are you okay?" Joe questioned as she finished sitting down on her butt. He flushed the toilet for her as she leant against the bath.

"What's the date today?" Demi questioned out of breath.

"Nineteenth why?" Joe answered grabbing her tooth brush squirting some toothpaste on it before handing her it watching as she begun to brush her teeth to get rid of the horrible taste in her mouth hoping that it wouldn't occur again. Demi held her hand out for him to take, he helped her up Demi spitting out the foam before turning to his direction tears rolling down her cheeks gently. He didn't like to see her cry.

"I missed my period, I-I think I'm pregnant." She stammered turning away not wanting to even think about what his reaction would be.


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