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Joe was in his car speeding as quickly as he legally could towards Demi's house, he had already told her to hang up and call the police, she was staying exactly where she saw as Joe had requested not wanting her to lash out at someone who could put themselves at a advantage because they had sight and she didn't. His phone was ringing though knowing that it would be his brothers wanting to know where he was but this was more important at the moment. He pulled up outside her house climbing out and darting up the path, the door was open. He entered shutting the door behind him. He entered the living room where Demi had told him she was, she was crying gently hearing someone enter. He approached her gently.

"Shhh, it's me. I'm going to look around," Joe assured her kissing her cheek before he moved on searching around downstairs, she only had a two bedroom place. He searched the kitchen seeing nobody then heading upstairs where he could hear rummaging around. "Whoever you are get out, the police are already on their way." Next thing he knew a man pushed past him Joe falling to the ground. He attempted to run after him but he was too fast.

"Joe?!" Demi called Joe sighing as he entered again.

"Whoever it was he's gone, you don't need to worry." Joe assured her sitting next to her wrapping his arm around her as she cried into his shoulder.

"Where's Jace?" She managed to choke through her sobs.

"I don't know, wait here."

Joe sighed of relief when he opened the bathroom door seeing Jace sat down near the bath patiently waiting for someone to come back. It was clear whoever was here locked him in the bathroom, there were claw marks on the door where he had tried to jump up and unlock the door but was unable. Jace ran straight past Joe and back to Demi who snuggled into the dog.

"Demi I'm just seeing if anything has been broken!" Joe called downstairs only entering her bedroom when she had answered. He looked around seeing what they could have been looking for, not much appeared to be missing, it was clear they were searching for something and not just taking anything they could get their hands on. Joe made his way back downstairs when he was satisfied that nothing was broken. Whether anything was taken he didn't know.

"Is anything broken?" Demi questioned feeling him sit down next to her Jace now in her lap comforting his best friend.

"I don't think so, I don't know if anything has been taken because I didn't know what was there. Are you okay? Did they touch you?" Demi shook her head gently running her fingers through Jace's short blonde fur his head in her lap.

"No, I just heard banging from upstairs," Demi answered smiling as she felt him kiss her temple. "I'm sorry I had to call you, I have nobody else, you weren't busy were you."

"Don't worry about it Demi, if you ever need anything you don't need to hesitate to call me." Joe wrapped his arm around her letting her lay her head on his shoulder. She liked to feeling of his arm around her. She felt safe, it had been a while since she felt safe not knowing where she was going most of the time.

"Thank you Joe, it means a lot." Joe smiled grabbing her hand which wasn't stroking Jace tangling their fingers together.

"I'll always be here for you, I really like you." Joe approved not able to see the blush on her cheeks because her head was still on his shoulder.

"I really like you too Joe," Demi answered Joe's smile only growing wider. They stayed quiet and still for a bit enjoying each other's comfort but Demi was thinking of what someone would be looking for. Then it hit her. "I think I know what they might have been after, come upstairs?"


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