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Demi held onto her parent's hands as she was led into another room, they had requested to see the room this time to make sure that Demi would be okay there. She could have died if Laurel hadn't have forgotten her bag. Eddie helped Demi sit on the bed her back against the wall as it was pressed against the wall, mainly so she could only fall off one side but they knew judgement will eventually help with that. They then begun to search the room making sure that everything was fixed to the wall before they were satisfied with leaving their teenage daughter here.

"Everything looks alright Demi, are you happy enough to stay here?" Dianna inquired sitting on the bed taking hold of her hand.

"If you say everything is safe yes." She breathed smiling when she felt a kiss on her head.

"Just get better alright, we want our giggly girl back and not the one who attacks other girls." Demi sighed nodding her head gently. It was the hardest thing to have to say goodbye to her parents again after everything that has happened, she started regretting pushing them away so much because now she didn't have them as much.

Demi was sat on her bed after her parents had left scared to even get off the bed, her chest still felt really heavy and it ached her to move but the main thing was she didn't want something like that to happen again. She didn't feel safe in any room after what happened this morning, she was aware that she could have died . When she was a little younger she was sure that was what she wanted but now she thinks about it more she didn't want to die, her parents have done too much for her to repay them like that. She wanted to get married one day, she wanted to have children even though she knew that would be the hardest thing ever. Have children that she couldn't see.

"Demi are you ready for your tour?" Laurel questioned as she entered the room, she couldn't help but frown and how down she seemed to be. She hoped she could cheer her up in some way, she had to make it up to the little girl.

"I-I'm scared." Demi stammered not even attempting to look over at Laurel, she would only be looking at a wall if she tried. She wasn't used to knowing where people are.

"I know it's scary but I'll help you through it alright." Laurel spoke as she entered the room a little more seeing that she was shaking slightly.

"O-Okay." Demi stammered again.

"Take my hand." She demanded softly, Demi reached out Laurel moving her own hand so she could grab it. She helped her off the bed holding her hand the whole time until they were out the room then letting go. She needed to get used to using her white cane in unfamiliar places but Laurel would be with her the whole time to guide her if she went wrong.

"Are we out?" Demi questioned Laurel nodding her head even though she couldn't see.

"Yes and now we're walking down the hallway where all the rooms are." Laurel explained.

"Will I have a roommate?"

"No sweetie, we thought you'd be more comfortable in your own room." Demi nodded her head gently knowing that she would be. She wasn't fond of people, even at school she was a loner. She liked animals, she had a hamster not long ago but he died and Dianna and Eddie hadn't got her another pet yet. She's always found friends in animals rather than humans. Laurel begun to show her around the building where everything was but she knew it would be hard for her because she didn't know where she was going. Laurel would have to come get her everytime she wanted to go somewhere until she got to know the place and knew brail a little bit, that would be something they would teach her here then she could lead herself to the cafeteria without any assistance.

"Can we go in the music room?" Demi inquired as soon as Laurel had said they had a music room, she had always been fascinated with music but her parents could never find the money to get a teacher.

"Of course after lunch we'll go in and I'll teach you something." Laurel smiled as did Demi.


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