Thirty Five

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"When you come down mom can you not say anything to Joe? I want to see how long he'll this little act up." Demi requested, she didn't know how to feel about the fact she had been seeing someone who had lied about who he really was. It didn't change the love she had for the man, she just wanted to know why he was doing what he was doing and how long it would take him to confess to who he was. She hung up the phone once she had spoken to her parents lifting Jace up in her arms kissing his head gently the dog closing his eyes enjoying the attention.

"Are you done?" She heard a voice knowing it was Joe's.

"Yeah." She answered then sighing. She wanted to make sure her mother was right, she'd try and add up everything that had gone on over the time since she met him and what will continue to happen. Joe entered the room sitting down next to her, she smiled when she felt his strong arms around her suddenly feeling any hurt or angry feelings disappear. When he was next to her she didn't feel upset that he lied anymore as long as he was there for her.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in her ear.

"Yeah I'm fine," Demi answered smiling when he kissed her forehead. "They're coming down to visit soon, I haven't told them I'm pregnant yet, we'll do that when they are here."

"If that's what you think is best, we'll tell my family in a couple of weeks when you're a bit further on." He leaned down burying his head in her neck Demi smiling running her fingers through his short raven hair Joe closing his eyes in satisfaction. There wasn't much Demi could do with the situation she was in, they were having a baby together and she had to put him or her first. She wanted their father to be there for him or her, she didn't have her real father around much but she was lucky enough to have a man around which replaced what her father never gave her. She didn't know how lucky her son and daughter would be if Joe wasn't around. Joe lifted his head up a little while later kissing the corner of her mouth before leaning back on the couch Demi coming down with him just a little bit his arms remaining around her.

"Do you think your parents will be happy about the baby?" Demi questioned her boyfriend laying her head down on his chest able to hear his soft heartbeat.

"I think so, it will be a little bit of a surprise since we haven't been together for long. I just fell for you quickly." Demi smiled.

"Ditto." Joe chuckled squeezing her gently. She couldn't help but smile when he caressed the small bit of skin on her stomach that was showing with his thumb. She was sure he was going to be there, she just wanted to see how long he'd keep his lies up for.

"You know I'll never get tired of your cooking." Demi complimented as she swallowed then taking a drink of water from the table. Jace wasn't to be seen, he was in the living room sleeping on the couch. With Joe being around a lot now he didn't need to take care of her around the house, outside was a little more dangerous. He was able to rest.

"Thanks, most of them are family recipes mom gave me when I moved out." He admitted taking a bite of his own dinner.

"What age did you move out?" When Joe thought about it when he and his brothers got big they didn't spend much time at home anyway, the tour bus and hotels were their home. He missed touring already, he hadn't done one since last year.

"Last year I think." Joe answered.

"And you still live in the same place?" Joe nodded his head gently even though he knew she wouldn't be able to see

"Yeah, it's a nice little place, away from the town a little bit." Joe explained as they continued to eat. He was nervous for when her parents came down, if they knew who he was it could blow his cover. He wasn't ready that that yet.


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