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Demi was lead through into a room which seemed quite spacious, it's what Demi needed as being blind so she didn't bump into everything Laurel led her other to the bed where she helped her sit up on it. It was where Demi was going to be spending a lot of her time with Laurel having some one to one sessions to see if Laurel could understand why Demi was like she was. She understood that her parents wanted to get here better and if this is what would then Demi was happy to give it a go. She was excited about the reward she would get that her parents were talking about just five minutes ago. Demi liked surprises.

"This is where you'll be sleeping and spending a lot of your time, it may seem strange at the moment but you'll get to know where everything is soon then you'll be just fine." Laurel stated taking the cane from her hands sitting it on the bed next to her the end laying on her lap so she knew where it was Demi nodded her head gently.

"How long will I be here for?" Demi inquired.

"Just as long as it takes you to be comfortable with yourself, it's up to you how long you stay. I'll be the one discharging you so as long as you show me that your better then I'll think about you going home." Laurel stated sitting on the bed next to her.

"What's the surprise my parents were talking about?" Demi questioned making Laurel laugh moving a bit of hair out of her eyes so it was irritating her more than her not being able to see. Demi already wished that upon herself.

"You'll find out later Demi but for now why don't you just relax here? I'll be back in about half an hour then we can have a tour okay?" Laurel suggested Demi nodding her head gently laying back on the bed bringing her cane with her. She heard Laurel leave so she could be alone. She liked to be alone a lot of the time. She understood why her parents had brought her here, wanting her better. She wanted to be better too but she didn't know whether she would ever be. Constant worries that she was too fat or didn't look like other girls. Laurel stood in the doorway watching as the girl laid on her bed spread out. "Are you okay Demi."

"I thought you were going?" Demi questioned.

"I just want to make sure you will be okay alone in an unusual place." She admitted her eyes on the girl the whole time. Demi wasn't the first blind girl she had dealt with but she was the first blind girl she had dealt with who had taken away her own sight for the reason that she saw herself as fat and that she thought she was ugly.

"I'll be fine, I'm going to explore my room." Demi grinned.

"Okay as long as your sure." Laurel stated.

"Can you shut the door though? I'm a little cold." Demi requested Laurel nodded her head then remembering that Demi could see.

"Sure, I'll be back soon. Don't go throwing any parties." Laurel smiled as Demi giggled. Demi was definitely happier now she didn't have her sight and that worried her parents. Thinking maybe she wouldn't even want this operation when she was fully grown.

Demi was wondering around her room wanting to know where everything was. Where the wardrobe was, where her desk was, where the cabinet was. She had only just got used to her own home and now had to get used to a whole new place. It scared her to be in an unusual place, being blind was harder than she thought it was going to be. She continued to make her way over the room until she bumped into something unknown, she screamed in pain as she fell on the floor feeling something heavy falling on her. She gasped for air as she felt whatever had fallen on her pressed against her chest restricting the air getting in and out. She tried to scream to get someone's attention.

Nobody came.


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