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It was a couple of weeks after the incident and Demi was slowly adjusting to life without her sight which was getting frustrating for her. When she decided to take her sight away she didn't realise how hard it would be for her. She had a white stick which she was starting to get the hang of, she thought it would be a lot easier if people actually paid attention when walking the streets. A couple of people had come around to the house to help Eddie and Dianna to sort the place so it was easier for Demi to get around. They wanted her to be as independent as she could. She would be leaving them soon for a while, they don't know how long but it was long enough for them to miss her. It was a treatment centre to help with her mental disorders, not eating much and not thinking that she was pretty enough. It was a special place for her with her now being blind.

"Yay!" Eddie and Dianna as Demi made her way into the kitchen from her bedroom all by herself without bumping into something. They saw Demi's smile at that point relieved that she was a little happier than she had been over the last couple of weeks. She had her shirt on the wrong way around but they wouldn't stop her from feeling good when they weren't going anywhere today. Demi gave her parents a hug making them smile.

"I told you you'd do it." Eddie whispered in her ear once he had wrapped his arms back around her. Her mother got the first hug, mainly because she was the first person she could feel close by. They knew it would take more than a couple of weeks for her to be comfortable with being blind. Even in a couple of years she may make a couple of mistakes.

"Yeah after two weeks." She mumbled pulling away from him.

"Demetria it's going to take more than a couple of weeks to get the hang of his but it's a start right? It will take years for you to properly get used to what is going on but going to this treatment centre will help you out with that. Don't stress over it alright?" Demi nodded her head gently smiling when she felt her mother kiss her head.

Demi was wondering the streets with Eddie just for a walk, she had one hand held onto her Step father's the other hand had held of the white cane which helped her know where she was going. She was getting used to using her hearing a lot to figure out if cars or coming or when to cross the road. They were taking Demi for walks so she could get used to it all, it gave the parents chance to bond with the teenage girl.

"Will I not be going to school?" Demi questioned Eddie shaking his head gently even though he knew Demi couldn't see it.

"No honey but you'll be learning all sorts at this treatment centre," Eddie stated squeezing her hand gently, Demi was nervous about going to this centre. She wouldn't have her parents there every day like she now, they wouldn't be able to take her on walks so she can learn how to use her cane. She wouldn't have their love. "You'll be just fine Demi."

"Will you visit?" Demi questioned again.

"Of course we will princess, as much as we can. We'll miss you as much as you will miss us trust me." Demi grinned slightly.

"Not possible."

"You wanna bet missy." Demi giggled which made Eddie smile. He missed this side of Demi, the giggly little girl and he was happy that she was back. Even if she did have to take her own eyesight away for her to come back. As long as she was happy so were her parents and they would adjust to loving a blind girl. She was their world.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too princess." Eddie leaned over kissing her hair gently. Demi didn't know who her real father was but Eddie was more than good enough for her now. He made her mom happy and that's all she cared about.


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