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Eddie and Dianna were sat in the waiting room of the hospital for hours until they heard any news about Demi who still wasn't happy that they had brought her here in the first place and demanded that they wasn't with her as she was checked over. They were worried about their little girl, why she would do such a thing to herself but they knew what was wrong, they needed to get her some help and not just from the hospital.

"It's been hours." Dianna sighed leaning her head on Eddie.

"She'll be okay Dianna, then we can get her the help she needs." Eddie promised wrapping his arm around her so she could lean her head on his chest. Eddie didn't have children of his own but he cared for Demi like she was his own, he hoped that although she gets frustrated at him sometimes that she sees him as her father. He would do anything for the little girl.

"Demetria Lovato." A doctor called as he exited the room, they stood up making their way over to him the doctor moving so he wasn't in the doorway.

"How is she?" Dianna inquired gripping onto her husband's hand.

"I'm afraid Demi has achieved what she wanted to, she has turned herself blind," He spoke a sympathetic look on his face. "There is a surgery for her to have but she can only have it when she is fully grown which is a couple of years from now, there will be a specialist come round to your house and help set up your home so it is easier for her."

"Thank you." Eddie stated bringing his wife into a hug.

"You're welcome, you may see her when you're ready." He took off so he could do his rounds on the rest of his patients leaving the worried parents behind.

Eddie and Dianna wasted no time in entering Demi's room just after a doctor had spoken to them about Demi's options. They saw Demi laid back on the bed her eyes looking down at the bed sheets but she looked up when she heard someone enter. Her eyes didn't move to them. They moved to just at the side of the door sort of in the direction the sound would have come in. The parents welled up seeing their daughter in such a state.

"Miranda?" She questioned the parents knowing she was the nurse who had been looking after her since she had arrived. It broke their hearts knowing that she didn't even know they were there. That she had no idea that her own parents were stood in the door.

"No sweetie it's your mom and dad." Dianna stated as they entered the room a little more standing at the side of her bed Dianna grabbing hold of her hands. She was surprised that Demi didn't try and pull away. She hadn't been the best of friends with her over the last couple of years.

"I'm sorry," Demi mumbled. "I know you hate me."

"We could never hate you Demi, we just don't understand the way you're feeling but we will learn and we will try our best to make your life the best we can again." Eddie encouraged.

"Even though I turned myself blind?" Demi inquired.

"Of course Demi, we love you and just want the best for you." Dianna praised leaning over kissing her head gently moving her hair out the way.

"Your gonna send me away like the doctors have suggested aren't you." Demi mumbled crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm afraid sweetie yes, it's what's best for you." Dianna caressed the back of her hand with her thumb sighing as Demi started crying.

"I don't want to go." Dianna brought her into a hug holding the girl against her chest Demi doing nothing more but cry into her chest.

"Shhh, it will be okay." The mother cooed stroking her hair. They were mad for what Demi had done in the start but they couldn't stay mad at her for long.


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