Thirty One

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"Yes I am, I should get back to her if that's alright? It was nice meeting you." He gave them both another hug before making his way back over to Demi and the waitress who had just set their glasses down on the table before she left again. Joe took a sip of his drink as did Demi before they were looking towards each other again.

"That was quick." She stated Joe shrugging his shoulders gently.

"I only needed to pee," Demi giggled making Joe smile, he reached over taking her hand Demi smiling when she felt him kiss the top of her hand. She enjoyed little actions like those, it showed he cared and that's all she wanted. She didn't care if she didn't have any friends, she just wanted him. He begun to caress the top of her hand with his thumb. "Demi why did you fight with your parents?" He didn't know if he should have asked but he wanted to know, so he could help her maybe trust her parents again enough to let them back into her life.

"I told them before I moved here that I wouldn't become a mother one day, this was before I remembered about the operation. They told me that it shouldn't matter if I had my eyesight or not but I can't become a mother before this operation. I can't go throughout the pregnancy not able to see a picture of my baby or when they arrive I won't even be able to see what features they have from me or their father." She expressed.

"I can understand that geourgous but fighting with your parents over it isn't worth it. I honestly couldn't imagine not seeing my parents, I talk to them most nights over the phone if I don't get chance to see them. Will you give them a call?" Joe urged.

"I-I don't know Joe, they got hurt by what I said and they hurt me." Demi mumbled.

"For me?" Joe questioned Demi giggling slightly.

"Fine I'll give them a call but I'm not promising anything," Demi giggled again when Joe cheered. "Not now though, I want some time to think about it."

"Take all the time you need but you should have your parents support through this operation if possible." Joe answered.

"I don't know who my real dad is but Eddie, he's been there for me since my father walked out, to me he is my father." Joe smiled leaning over pecking her lips.

"Are you sure your okay?" Joe questioned pulling the covers up her, he smiled when he saw Demi let out a huge yawn as she nodded her head gently.

"I'm just tired from last night, I'll be fine after a nap. Are you going home?" Joe kissed her cheek gently as Jace jumped up on the bed beside Demi nuzzling his head into Demi's neck Demi laying her hand down on his head.

"I think I will for a bit and get some housework done but I'll be back later."

"Okay bye Joey." Demi mumbled clearly tired.

"Sleep well gorgeous." He smiled kissing her cheek again making sure she was comfortable before leaving the room closing the door behind him. He made sure downstairs was secure before climbing into his car checking his messages seeing he had one from his mother asking if he wanted to come over for a bit. Joe replied to her before driving in the direction of his parent's house. He knew his parents missed them now they were all grown up expecting to see them a little bit more now that they were taking a small break. He didn't know what he would be doing next in his career, for now he was just enjoying spending time with Demi and his brothers. He knew he'd miss being up on stage soon enough though. He wanted to do his own album eventually but he didn't know when he'd get back around to that.

"Hello Joseph." Denise greeted kissing his cheek. Joe smiled entering the house slipping his shoes off as they both wondered into the living room where Kevin and Danielle were visiting too.


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