Twenty Three

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It had been a couple of weeks since Joe and Demi had gotten together, they had spent a lot of time getting to one another a bit more. Joe found that Demi was really starting to open up around him, they were taking things slow though. Joe knew it was Demi's first relationship and didn't want them to rush into something they would regret. The past week he didn't have much time with filming the last couple of scenes that needed to be done so the show could be edited by the producers. Joe hadn't spent much time with Demi but he planned for that to change now. At the moment Joe was wondering through the corridors ready to do a radio interview with Ryan Seacrest and his brothers, mainly to promote the new show.

"It's The Jonas Brothers!" Ryan exclaimed as they entered the booth everyone greeting everyone. Joe, Nick and Kevin sat down on the chairs left for them. They put the earphones over their heads adjusting the microphones so they were at the right angle. "How are you?" They all looked between each other laughing slightly.

"Yeah we're good or at least I am." Nick answered.

"So you've been busy filming the second season for your show on Disney Channel am I right?" He questioned.

"Yeah, it's all finished now." Joe replied.

"What's next then for the Jo bros?"

"I think we're all doing something different now. We're going to take a break for a year or two, I think we deserve it after everything that we've done over the years. We can't thank the fans enough for letting us continue what we had started." Kevin explained.

"I think I'll be doing some Broadway shows and maybe a little bit of acting, Kev just got married so he'll probably spend some time with Dani as for Joe your thinking about doing a solo album aren't you?" Nick inquired looking at his brother.

"I haven't really thought about it much but yeah a album sounds good, maybe some acting too." Joe responded. He was just ready for a break.

"And obviously spend some time with your new lady right? Your dating again?" Ryan questioned knowing it was a question that everyone wanted a answer to. Joe could see a picture of him with Demi his arm around her waist while they wondered down the street. Jace wasn't having a very good day and wasn't up to going out so he had to lead her.

"She's just a friend, she's blind and her guide dog wasn't well that day so I was being the dog." Everyone laughed sighting. He knew he shouldn't lie but he didn't want people to start following her around, she'd know something then and more importantly be put in danger.

Joe made it back to Demi's after the interview promising that he would be down. He wondered around his car a bit so he could lose the paparazzi before going to Demi's house. He entered through the door calling out that he was here before making his way into the living room being greeted by Jace jumping up at him. He lifted the dog in his arms before sitting down next to Demi.

"Are you okay?" Joe questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine, I've missed you this week. What have you been doing?" Demi questioned her eyes in the direction that she knew he was.

"I know, work has been a bit hectic." Joe answered, he wasn't lying on that one. He was just glad that it was all over and he was a free man now. Disney Channel can be demanding at times, he was ready to move on.

"What do you wanna do now?" Demi questioned.

"Not work," He muttered but smiled when he heard her giggle. He grabbed her hand kissing his gently before locking their fingers together. "We could finish that film we started last night."

"Go on then." Joe got up to put it in then settling down next to Demi again his arm around her.


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