Thirty Seven

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"Joe I'm nervous." Demi choked as she felt the car pull up. She knew they were at Joe's parents house ready to tell them the news that they would be having a baby. Joe knew they wouldn't be expecting it, it was Kevin who was married and not him, Kevin was the one who had been in a long term relationship and was about ready to think about having a family. Joe took Demi's hand squeezing it gently leaning over kissing her gently before pulling away.

"You don't need to be alright. My parents are wonderful people, they'll understand and more importantly love you." Joe assured her.

"I just don't want to bring our child into a world where fights are going on." Demi admitted her eyes falling down to the floor. She could feel Jace's paw on her arm smiling knowing he was trying to comfort her even though he was in the back of the car waiting for them to get out. Joe ruffled the fur on the top of his head.

"You won't because I'll make sure there isn't any fighting. Nick and Kevin won't be here until later on so at the moment you just need to meet my parents and Frankie, we'll do it in parts." Demi sighed nodding her head gently. She felt his lips briefly on hers before he pulled away. He got out the car getting Jace out then helping Demi out making sure she had his leash. He took hold of her hand though door knocking on the door with his spare hand. He squeezed her hand as the door opened revealing his father.

"Hello Joseph, you know you can just come in." Paul instructed opening the door open for them to enter Jace entering first.

"I know but I have manners," Joe stated. "This is Demi and Jace, Demi this is my dad." He introduced Demi feeling him shake her hand gently. Joe had warned them all that she wasn't great around new people and didn't like people touching her too much that she didn't know. She wouldn't enjoy hugs so she'd be doing a lot of handshakes.

"It's nice to meet you." Paul praised pulling his hand away stroking Jace as he nuzzled his hand in a way to greet the man.

"It's nice to meet you too." Demi spoke with a small smile on her face, she didn't want to come across as too nervous even though she was dreading telling them that they would be having a baby.

Within the hour Demi had met all of Joe's family including Nick and Kevin who made it over after they had spent some time shopping together. She was nervous at first but soon opened up a little bit joining in with conversations. Joe was sat by her the whole time Jace laid across their laps his head in Demi's as he rested.

"How old is Jace?" Denise questioned admiring the dog who seemed to enjoy the attention from Joe and Demi who were stroking him.

"He's nearly seven, I've had him since he was a puppy." Demi explained, she wasn't looking forward to the day she lost Jace. He was her best friend and just wished he'd be around for the rest of her life, she wouldn't be able to find another dog as good as Jace was.

"He's a beautiful dog." Denise complimented.

"I don't agree, I have his back end right now," Joe joked making everyone laugh Jace wagging his tail some more hitting Joe in the chest. "We actually came down though to share some news with you all." He felt Demi tense up next to him, he just squeezed her hand gently assuring her that it would be okay. They'd have to know at some point.

"What is it?" Paul questioned Joe pulling out the picture they got from the hospital earlier that day handing it over to his mother because she was closest and he wouldn't have to move Jace to give it to his father.

"We're having a baby." He revealed so his dad and brothers could hear. It was even scarier for Demi not able to see the reactions, she sat there waiting for someone to speak.


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