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"Come on boy," Demi cooed as she felt Jace jump up on the couch next to her. She ran her fingers through his light fur smiling as he laid his head down in her lap. It had been six years since Demi had brought it upon herself to make herself blind, she had now moved out of her parents house and to LA where she had become full time pianist in a restaurant, she knew where every key was and people found it amazing that she was blind and able to play. She had argument with her parents not long ago and didn't speak to them anymore, her only friend was Jace but she didn't need anybody else as long as she had him. He was who she relied on all the time, he had saved her life so many times already and not just because he was her eyes but mentally she still struggled. "I don't know where I'd be without you."

Joe entered his parents house after a long day on the set, they were filming their show for Disney Channel but he wasn't enjoying it much anymore, he was too old to be a star of Disney channel and couldn't wait to just leave. It was the second series of their show after just releasing Camp Rock 2 and after that he had enough. He was planning solo things the three brothers announcing that they would be working on solo projects.

"Joe is that you?!" Denise called Joe following her voice into the kitchen where she was icing a cake, she smiled looking up at him. "How's my handsome little man." She laughed when he groaned but leaned up kissing his cheek gently.

"I've had just about enough of the producers." Joe grumbled sitting up on the barstool at the counter watching his mother as she continued to ice it.

"Just stick it out for the fans, I'm sure your enjoying it when your filming." Denise encouraged Joe nodding his head gently.

"I just wish they'd stop pushing us to get it done, it takes time to perfect these things." Joe complained to his mother smiling as she set a slice of cake down in front of him with a fork that she had already iced, his mother was the best baker.

"It will be done soon, so Nick and Kevin feel the same?" Joe nodded his head gently.

"I think we're all just ready to leave Disney channel, we're too old now and clearly want to work on our own things for a little while. We'll be back together again someday though, we've promised that much." Denise smiled picking the piping bag up.

"It's amazing what you boys have achieved, just take a break Joe. I don't want you to get too stressed, settle down a little bit." Denise urged.

"With who? I just broke up with Ashley." He moaned then moaned again when he tasted the cake, Denise laughed slightly rubbing his arm.

"You don't need someone to settle down with, settle down by yourself and do the things you enjoy that you don't get much time to do yourself." Joe nodded his head gently.

"I'd just like to meet the girl I know is for me to be honest, I'd like to think start settling down with a girl but not until I find the right one."

"She's out there Joe trust me but she might take some finding but when you do find her you'll know about it. I felt the same way when I met your father, I knew from day one he was the one I'd end up marrying and have four amazing boys with." Denise praised.

"Lair!" Joe exclaimed. "There was no way you could tell you were having four kids and they'd all be boys!" Denise laughed kissing his cheek again before setting the cake in the fridge so the icing wouldn't melt.

"I don't regret any of you Joe, without you boys my life would be boring and not busy at all." Denise answered kissing his head before making her way to the sink.

"I'll do the dishes mom, you sit down." Joe urged.

"Just dry up, it's nice to spend some alone time with you." Joe smiled picking the dish towel up.


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