Fifty Six

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Demi stayed with Jace enjoying having him by her side again, she had missed his company over the past couple of days. She wished he could have been there but it wasn't allowed. She looked up from the dog when she heard Joe on the stairs again smiling as he entered the room a smile on his face when he saw Demi with Jace.

"Is she asleep again?" Demi questioned Joe nodding his head setting the baby monitor on the cabinet next to the couch wrapping his arm around her.

"She dropped off after I started telling her about her Uncles," Joe stated Demi laughing slightly leaning her head down on his shoulder. "Happy to be home?"

"Yeah and with my eyesight, I can be a mom to Amelia, Jace can relax and we can be a real couple." Joe sighed slightly kissing the top of her head.

"We were a normal couple before Demi, even if you didn't have your sight that didn't matter. We still went on dates, we still held hands in public and showed affection for each other. We'll always be a normal couple and not let anything stop us." Joe assured her.

"I know all that is true but deep down I always I always thought that we wasn't." Joe held her tighter kissing her head gently. He hated when she felt like this, like she was worthless just because she didn't have her sight. He loved her the way she was.

"I'm sorry you had to feel that way but it's all over now and you were kind enough to forgive me for my stupid actions so we can go back to the way we were." Joe assured her Demi smiling as she looked up at him, she was amazed how handsome the man was in front of her, that she was able to pick herself a good looking man even without her eyesight. He kissed her gently Demi kissing back the two of them smiling through the kiss. Joe pulled away looking into her eyes Demi gazing back before he kissed her again but this time with more passion Demi kissed him back before it was deepened the two of them soon fighting for dominance. They only pulled away from one another when they heard a bark laughing as they saw Jace looking up at them as if he was telling them to stop and pay attention to him.

"Someone's a little jealous." Demi cooed kissing his head.

"See they are best friends already," Joe boosted as he entered the living room from the kitchen admiring his daughter and Jace together. Demi smiled watching him as he took a picture. "Do you mind if I introduce her to the world?" Demi shook her head gently as he slumped down on the couch next to her.

"Your fans have been a huge part of your life, they deserve to know, I just don't want many of her going out if we can help it." Demi answered watching him on his phone as he loaded Twitter up typing on it before adding the picture soon posting it for all of his followers to see. He knew it would be all over the internet by the time they got up in the morning.

'Meet Amelia Jonas already best friends with Jace the dog, mommy and daddy love you so much.'

Demi smiled as she read it on her phone sharing a kiss with him again. They only got up again when Amelia started whining.

"Can you make a bottle for her?" Demi questioned watching as Joe left the room and into the kitchen. With the surgery she wasn't able to breast feed Amelia like she wanted but she wasn't stopping that from her having a close bond to her little girl, it gave her more chance to bond with her father as well like she had been over the past couple of days when Demi was unable to be there. "Daddy will be here soon with lunch." Demi cooed Amelia crying a little harder demanding to be fed, Demi laughed when she saw Jace run out of the room not liking or used the sound of the baby crying.


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