Seventy Nine

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Joe woke up a couple of weeks later smiling when his eyes landed on Demi who was watching him. She leaned up kissing him gently Joe kissing back before they both pulled away Joe sitting up Demi following his actions Joe's arm now around her. Demi leaned into her draw though pulling out a envelope kissing his cheek gently before handing him it.

"Happy birthday." She grinned Joe smiling taking it from her.

"Thanks but I already said I didn't want anything for my birthday." Joe complained getting a smack from his girlfriend.

"Tough open it." Demi demanded watching his hands as they started to do so. She was nervous for what was about to come but she was sure he'd be happy about the baby they created. There wasn't much he could do about it now but she didn't want to bring her baby into a world where she was fighting with their dad. They were finally happy together with their daughter, she wanted it to continue as they had this baby. She watched as his hand pulled out the sonogram picture she had got when she went to the doctors to confirm that she was pregnant.

"W-What's this?" Joe stammered as he held it in his hands.

"I'm pregnant, eight weeks now." Demi revealed her top two teeth latching onto her bottom lip as her eyes were on Joe.

"You said you didn't have your period though." Joe stated the picture falling in his lip his eyes now on her too. He leaned down kissing her lips gently forcing her to let go of her lip. She kissed back before they both pulled away from each other.

"I wanted to surprise you for your birthday, my twelve week scan is scheduled. I thought maybe we could go together." Demi joked making Joe laugh kissing her again.

"I think I'd be up for that," Joe grinned. "We're having a baby."

"Yes we are," Demi begun looking up at him again. "Are you happy about it? I know you said you didn't want to welcome a baby yet."

"I don't care about that anymore, there is never a right time to have a baby Demi. We'll get through this." He kissed her Demi kissing him back straight away smiling as he rolled over so he was no hovering over her. They were just getting into the kiss when they heard a voice come from across the hall.

"Daddy!" Joe pulled away groaning Demi giggling.

"That girl has bad timing." Joe complained getting off her and out of the bed slipping a shirt on as he made his way out of the room.

"Mommy is having a baby." Joe revealed to his daughter laughing when Amelia squealed jumping in his arms, he held her as her arms wrapped around his neck able to see her mother in the doorway a smile on her face. She knew everyone would be happy about this baby, she certainly was. she couldn't wait to meet her son or daughter.

"Really?" Amelia questioned pulling away from him as Demi sat down next to them on the couch Amelia's legs now stretched out on her Joe having his arm around her.

"Really, you're going to be a big sister next year." Demi answered kissing her forehead.

"Where is baby?" She questioned again.

"Here in mommy's tummy." Joe indicated laying his hand down on Demi's flat stomach the parents smiling when Amelia did the same.

"Me don't feel anything." She mumbled.

"You won't yet baby girl, your brother or sister is only really small at the moment. In a couple of months you'll be able to feel him or her kick." Demi encouraged.

"Months? That ages away!" Both parents laughed Joe watching Demi with a smile on his face as she tried to explain to their daughter about her brother or sister. He didn't care what presents he got from his friends and family today. As long as he had his growing family he didn't want anything else. 


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