Sixty Two

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"Momma." Demi woke up to through the baby monitor. She cracked a small smile as she continued to hear her daughter chant her name through the baby monitor. When she decided that her daughter wasn't going to shut up she got up making her way into the room next to hers forcing a full smile on her lips as she laid eyes on her daughter.

"Hi Amelia!" Demi cooed bringing the little girl up in her arms.

"Momma." Amelia repeated clamping her hands down on Demi's shirt fisting them into her hands as Demi rocked her gently kissing her hair. Demi laid Amelia down on the changing table changing her diaper before changing her into her day clothes, everyday was a challenge with a one year old. Demi then made her way downstairs not surprised when she saw her best friend already up and playing with his daughter on the floor in front of the TV.

"Hey Demi, how are you today?" He questioned Demi setting Amelia down on the floor near them so she could play with the girl she had been familiar with over the past year. Since Stephen came into her life he hadn't left. He slowly became her best friend Demi finding it hard to get on with men after what happened with Joe. She didn't want to let anyone in scared that they'd end up the same way Joe had but she let Stephen in who was now staying with her for a couple of days. He didn't want her living by herself when she was feeling like she was. It had been a year since she lost him but she put on a brave face for her daughter.

"A little better." Demi breathed looking down at the girls playing together. She wanted to be happy, she wanted to show them that there wasn't anything wrong but she missed him.

"Do you think you're up to going down today?" Demi let the tears slip from her eyes as she shook her head rushing out of the room not wanting the two little girls to see her crying.

"Momma?" Amelia spoke looking towards Stephen.

"She's just going through a tough time kiddo." Stephen lifted her up into his arms letting her hug him but it was clear she wanted her mom.

Stephen sighed when he entered the kitchen seeing Demi sat at the table her head buried her crossed arms. He frowned sitting down next to her laying a hand down on her back as she cried softly. He couldn't imagine how she was feeling, losing someone she loved. He still had his wife who was away on business but h knew he'd always be there for her.

"I think you need to go see him Demi, it might help you feelings a little bit." Stephen stated as he rubbed her back some more.

"I-I don't know if I can," Demi choked through her sobs. "I just miss him so much, he doesn't even know how much I love him."

"I'm sure he does Demi, I know you had a fight before the accident but he'll know how much you love him. How much you've been going down with Amelia," Stephen encouraged. "I know it's hard for you because it's been a year since it happened but once you get there you'll forget all that and just sit there wishing you had gone days before." Demi sighed nodding her head gently.

"Can you look after Amelia and give her breakfast?"

"Of course." Stephen replied kissing her head. Demi took in a deep breath before she got up saying goodbye to Amelia and Mavi who were still playing together in the living room. She got a cuddle from Amelia and Jace before she left getting in the car. She wiped away her tears before she set off driving away when she looked for oncoming traffic. Demi hadn't been working since the accident, she had been too busy looking after Amelia to think about finding anything. She didn't think she was capable at the moment. Demi continued to drive her mind on one person only and that was Joe determined that she could do it even if it had been a year.

Her eyes landed on the graveyard. 


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