Sixty Five

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Demi sauntered into the hospital taking her time, she was trying to put off getting there as much as she could but she knew she couldn't hold back forever. She had Amelia in the stroller sleeping peacefully unaware of what was going on around her. She was still crying gently ignoring all the sympathetic looks she was getting from people around her, she was in a hospital. A place where she wouldn't be the only person who was crying.

"Are you okay sweetie?" She heard a voice looking behind her seeing a nurse stood there, it was clear she was ready to help if she could.

"M-My boyfriend was in a car crash, I don't know where he is." Demi answered.

"What's his name?" The nurse questioned.

"Joe Jonas." Demi answered wiping away her tears but looked at the nurse when she heard her sigh looking back up at her.

"Are you family? We've had no end of fans coming in pretending that they know him to see him when they don't. I'm afraid I can't reveal anything unless you are family." She explained Demi only letting the tears run down her cheeks a little bit more.

"I'm not but this is our daughter, please, I have to see him." Demi begged, she wanted to hold back seeing him but at the same time she wanted to see him. She needed to know that he was okay and that he was going to pull through this. He had so much he still needed do in his live, so much that he hadn't done yet.

"I'm sorry but I can't." The nurse spoke sympathy oozing through her tone, Demi just sobbed some more turning away from her but she soon saw Nick coming towards them.

"She's with me, come on." Nick and Demi wondered away around the corner where Nick pulled Demi in for a hug. Demi hugged him back sobbing into his chest.

Demi pulled away from Nick when she had calmed down a bit. It was the first time since she heard the news that she had some form of company that wasn't her daughter. It was nice to finally get a hug from someone who understood what she was going through. Nick and known Joe his whole life, she couldn't imagine how hard this was for him and his brothers and parents. She cracked a small smile when Nick wiped away her tears.

"H-How is he?" Demi stammered.

"His heart gave out on him again since he got here but they brought him back, it's clear he's being stubborn like normal and putting up a fight," Nick rolled his eyes slightly, Demi couldn't help but giggle. "We've all decided that we're going to let him go if it happens again though, it's not right to let him suffer."

"What?! No Nick! You can't let him die!" Demi exclaimed breaking down again Nick sighing pulling her into his arms as they got looks from the other people. They didn't care though, it was all a bit overwhelming what was happening.

"It's okay Demi, he'll be fine." Nick assured her whispering in her ear but Demi wasn't so sure. She couldn't lose him. Not when she's spent less than a year with him.

The next couple of hours were tough not knowing what was going on with Joe but they knew it could be a good thing. Demi had just fed Amelia a bottle and now she was sleeping in her stroller Demi admiring her. She didn't like the idea of Amelia growing up Demi having to show her a picture of Joe so she knows that he was her daddy. He should be here with her, to raise their daughter with her like she knew he wanted.

"No matter what happens Demi we'll all be here for you if you ever need any help with Amelia." Denise stated wiping away her tears.

"T-Thank you." Demi stammered.   


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