Forty Two

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Demi spent the next couple of days recovering from the ordeal knowing that her parents would be down soon enough. She had spoken to them a lot over the phone beginning to build their relationship up again. They all agreed the fight was stupid in the first place, Demi wouldn't be moving back but Dianna and Eddie would be visiting as much as they could, Demi would go down with their grandchild sometimes too and Joe if he wasn't busy. She cared about Joe, she still wanted her parents to have a relationship with him.

"Are you nervous for today?" Joe questioned after he had cleaned the kitchen down from breakfast, Demi was now showered and listening to the telly with Jace sleeping in her lap.

"A little bit but I think it will all be better, I'd like for our child to know their grandparents." Demi admitted feeling him kiss the corner of her mouth.

"Do you want me to be here cause I can go if you want me to?" Joe suggested but Demi shook her head grabbing hold of his hand Joe being the one who tangled their fingers together kissing the top of her hand gently before he brought them back down.

"Be here, I want you to meet there." Demi begged Joe laughing kissing her pout away when it formed on her mouth.

"Relax, I'll stay if you want me to." Joe promised.

Demi opened the door smiling when she heard familiar voices greeting her. She felt them both hug her but she wished she could see them just like she wished she could see Jace and Joe. She knew within a year she would hopefully be able to. Dianna and Eddie proceeded to greet Jace who was happy to see the familiar people. Demi let them in showing them into the living room where she knew Joe was. He stood up making his way over to them shaking both their hands.

"I'm Joe." He greeted taking his hand back from Eddie. It was hard for them knowing that he was lying to their daughter about who he was but Demi wanted them to keep quiet, to see how long it would take for him to tell her.

"It's nice to meet you." Dianna greeted Joe kissing the side of Demi's head before he left into the kitchen to make some drinks. They all sat down around the couches Jace now back up on the couch with Demi. It was nice for the parents to see that they still had a great relationship but they could see that he was getting a little old. He had been working his whole life and couldn't do as much as he used to but he was a determined dog wanting to do everything for his best friend.

"So he still hasn't told you?" Eddie questioned in a hushed tone so Joe wasn't able to hear them from the kitchen.

"No but I heard him talk to his mom while I was in the hospital, it started because I was treating him like any other person and not a celebrity but now he's scared that I'll leave him. I guess he's just trying to push it away as much as he can." Demi explained.

"What are you going to do when he tells you?" Demi shrugged her shoulders gently.

"I don't know, I don't think I'd be angry at him but I think it will be in the moment sort of thing. I won't know until the situation comes up." Demi admitted but they all quietened down when Joe came back into the room a tray in his hands. He handed them out before sitting down on the couch next to Demi smiling when Jace stretched his paws out as he yawed laying them on his legs. They all engaged into a conversation Demi catching up with her parents. She was trying in involve Joe a bit but she could see that he was a little uncomfortable that his parents would know who he was.

"We have some news." Demi stated her eyes moving to Joe's direction as he took her hand squeezing it gently. It had been hard for Demi to keep the secret away from her parents over phone calls but she wanted to do it face to face. She had missed the part out of the baby when she phoned about her being in hospital. "Joe and I are having a baby, I'm nine weeks along." She revealed just as scared as she was the day they told Joe's parents. She couldn't see their reactions.


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