Fifty Five

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Demi spent the next couple of days in the hospital the doctors wanting to make sure that her eyesight was okay and still working. Demi's eyes weren't so sore now and was ready to just get home with Joe and Amelia, be a real mom rather than Joe having to do all the work. She wanted to see Jace and for him to not have to lead her everywhere again, she knew he'd be great around Amelia as she grew up. He was still her best friend. Her feelings still hadn't changed for Joe, she still believed forgiving him was for the best, she had no hard feelings about it otherwise she would have broke things off before now. She loved him more than she had ever loved anyone just because he was there for her when she thought nobody would. She never thought she'd find love while being blind until she met Joe. He changed her feelings about everything.

"Hello my little monkey." Demi cooed taking Amelia from Joe's arms, Amelia was awake making cooing noises as she stared up at her mother Demi kissing all over her face.

"Hey are you ready for home?" Joe questioned Demi nodding her head smiling as they shared a short kiss Joe taking hold of Demi's hand.

"Are there loads of reporters outside?" Demi feared Joe nodding his head gently.

"But Amelia is hidden under the bundles so we'll be fine, they are just after me because of Amelia being born and you getting your sight back." Joe assured her.

"How do you even live this life?" Demi questioned Joe shrugging his shoulders as they begun to leave the hospital Joe having Demi's bag so she could carry Amelia.

"You get used to it, making the fans happy and being out on stage makes up for it." Joe answered, he knew it was hard at times but he wouldn't change anything in his career. Everything went the way he wanted to and now he could take a break while Amelia was still young and needed him. He'd be back with his brothers in a couple of years but before then he planned to do nothing but be a family man. He didn't want to miss any of Amelia's firsts just because he was touring.

"But you're not doing that now." Demi answered.

"Amelia and my relationship with you is more important than making a album or doing acting. Trust me." Demi smiled following him down the corridor.

Joe lifted Amelia out of the car seeing the reporters already crowding them, he laid her gently against his chest so she wouldn't be seen. She was starting to whimper because of the noise, people asking questions and flashing of cameras. Demi gave him a worried look but he gave her a reassuring one. He held her hand as they made their way up the path the reporters being careful of the baby making a path for them until they were at the door Demi's shaky hand unlocking it pushing the door open the two of them getting in the door closing.

"I'm sorry baby girl, did they wake you up." Joe cooed bringing her into his arms again rocking he gently tight against his chest.

"I still don't understand how you live like that," Demi breathed but pecked his lips gently. "Now where is my baby boy. Jace!" They both smiled as Jace ran in jumping up at Demi.

"That's mommy's best friend you'll meet him soon," Joe told Amelia as she continued to whimper not used to the loud noises of the dog barking. "I'm going to take her upstairs."

"You're a good boy aren't you!" Demi cooed kissing Jace as he continued to jump up at her barking every so often. She settled him down leading him through into the living room where he jumped up on the couch ready to have cuddles with his best friend again after a long four days of not seeing her. "I can't thank you enough Jace for everything you've done for me, now it's time for you to be a normal dog." She kissed his head as he settled down again. She blinked back the tears as she stared at him, it had been a long time him helping her and basically saving her life. She didn't know how she would have coped without him or how she can repay him other than continuing to be his best friend and spoiling him. He deserved it.


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