Twenty Six

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"Hey." Joe greeted as Demi approached him, he took the key from her hands so he could open the door entering keeping the door open so Jace could lead Demi through and into the living room. Joe made sure the door was shut and the key was where she usually kept it then following them seeing they were already snuggled on the couch. Joe could see how much Demi loved the dog, he was her world and the dog loved her just as much.

"Do you know a Nick Jonas?" Demi questioned as he sat down next to her, Joe couldn't help but raise his eyebrow at the sound of his brother's name.

"I've heard of him, why?" Joe responded.

"He came to the restaurant and played piano with me, he took my tip jar and got everyone to give me a tip." Demi answered Joe holding back his laugh as he shook his head. He should have known his younger brother would have done something like that.

"So your closer to your goal to get the operation?" Joe questioned Demi nodding her head gently going in her pocket handing him the envelope.

"Could you count it for me? I usually go to the bank for them to do it but since your here I'll use your eyes." Joe laughed slightly falling off the couch and onto the floor. He pulled the money out of the envelope spreading it along the coffee table.

"Do you know who Nick Jonas is?" Joe spoke hiding the curiousness in his voice.

"I've heard of him and his brothers, when I was fourteen I attacked a girl because she kept boasting about The Jonas Brothers and she was getting on my nerves. It was when I wasn't very well but I can't say I've ever heard anything from them," Demi explained Joe biting his lip gently. "Do you want to know why I'm blind."

"You don't have to tell me Demi..." Joe begun but Demi cut him off.

"I want to Joe, you've been there for me a lot over the month. You deserve to know." Demi urged Joe taking his seat back next to her. It's where he usually sat when he came to her house. It was rare she came to his just because she knew her house well.

"It started when I was about twelve or thirteen, I was bullied heavily at school being told that I was ugly and worthless that I would never find a guy or get married. It came so constant that I started to believe them. I started acting up at home and at school until one day when I was fourteen I decided to turn myself blind, I just scratched them until I couldn't see anymore," She felt Joe squeeze her hand gently, it was hard for him to hear when he found her flawless. "I spent about three months in a treatment centre until I was cured, I moved back in with my parents and finished school. I was eighteen when I had a argument with them and moved here."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that Demi but you're not ugly or worthless, you beautiful, take my word for it because I'm always right," Demi giggled burying her head in his chest, Joe kissed the top of her head locking his arms around her.

"You're a great man Joseph." She spoke looking up at him, he leaned down kissing her gently Demi kissing back as soon as she felt his lips against hers. Joe smiled deepening the kiss as he felt her hands come up to his cheeks, he gently licked her bottom lip Demi granting him access allowing him to start French kissing with her. She groaned in his mouth slightly the two of them only pulling away from each other when air was needed.

"You mean the world to me Demi." Joe breathed catching his breath back.

"I'm ready." Demi whispered Joe knowing exactly what she meant.

"Are you sure? It hasn't been that long and it will hurt you more than it will me." Joe answered seeing her nod her head.

"I'm sure, I care a lot about you too." Joe smiled pecking her lips one last time before standing up. He lifted her up in his arms Demi smiling too as he begun to make his way upstairs when he did he laid her down on the bed.


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